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  1. One Last observation, So, I made that scene with a total of 88 devices and 1 controller, which is button C on a Insteon 2334-2 Keypadlinc Dimmer. While the scene works, if I press the controller button again, all the lights that are supposed to shut off, come back on. If I press it again, they go off again. Is there a way to configure the controller so it on turns this scene off? What should the status button light do? I guess I would want the status light off all the time and maybe only illuminate while being pressed. What do you think makes the most sense?
  2. I was always concerned that having so many devices in a scene would be problematic. I would have to put 75 devices in one scene to achieve what I was trying to do here. Is there a limit on how many devices can be in a scene? Can a controller of a scene be used in multiple scenes?
  3. Yes, I wrote the trigger as fast on but when I tried to check the communication with event viewer, I only tapped the button once to see if there was communication. I tried the fast on command several times before I posted this topic and it did not work.
  4. Your program is written to trigger on "FAST ON". You are executing a standard "ON" at the switch.
  5. Ok, I will back off on the repeats. The problem I encountered with making the scenes work is that it would not let me use that single button as a controller for the four different scenes I want to run at the same time. I could make one scene with all those nodes in it but that would be over 70 nodes. Would that be too many nodes for one scene?
  6. I was trying to troubleshoot a program I was creating and I had to use the event viewer to look at device communications between Insteon dimmer switches. I cleared the log, it and went on to my trouble shooting. When I came back to look at the log, this line appeared 487 times with the same time stamp. There was some insteon traffic mixed in. I did not want to post the entire log as it was 27 pages of mostly that time stamp line. Mon 06/24/2024 05:08:51 AM : [ Time] 05:08:56 1(0) Why is this happening? I can't get my new program to work, yet, but I am curious that this might be part of the problem. The program I wrote was just a simple turn a group of scenes off when I press a button on a 6 button insteon dimmer switch. I have attached part of the log showing the communication and it has some of the strange time stamp entry, most of which I cut out. I tried several of the buttons in the switch to see if the viewer would pick up any of them. program did not run. other programs seem to be running OK. ?? Eisy log 6-24-24 edit.docx
  7. Got it. I thought it was Z wave. Thanks
  8. Michaelv

    Is this Normal?

    Not sure if this is a problem but why does it appear that I have two Eisy in my system? I do not Know. ??
  9. I went to the configuration tab and the Z-wave support is selected to on. I did toggle it. there is a Z-wave menu at the top of the AC.
  10. So this is an Aeotec Motion Sensor M6001-MTP. The instructions do not say how to put it into communication / inclusion mode. There was just the battery tab to be removed and the LED would flash green / red for about 5 minutes. I assume that it is in inclusion mode when doing that. There is a reset button and if I press that for 5 seconds the lights start flashing again, or, I can remove the battery, replace it and the led flashes red / green again. I have been within 2 feet of the dongle when in this state. I have read the Wiki and whether I try to add or remove it first, the system does not see it.
  11. I bought the Zwave dongle for my Eisy and an Aotec Motion sensor. All it has is a reset button. I found the "Add a Zwave device" in the admin Console and brought the sensor right next to the PLM. It wont connect. What do I have to do? MV
  12. I was at a loss when I discovered my internet was cutting out for very brief periods/ I called my ISP and they gave me a new modem and I have not had the problem since. Hope your fix is that easy, but it took a while to figure it out. MV
  13. This is my first Zwave device, so I guess I need the Zwave dongle. can you tell me exactly what it is and where I can get this ZWave dongle? I have Z wave checked on the config. Tab. thank you
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