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  1. That is really good news. Thanks! I am not running the beta (just signed up yesterday and haven't gotten info on where to get it and any gotchas for installation), so looking forward to it. Frank.
  2. Further, normal Insteon events do cause Notification to work: If Control 'Stairs (down, power)' is switched On Then Send Notification to All Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Java Console: 2008/02/21 13:58:41 : [ X10] hc=A uc=1 cc=3 2008/02/21 14:08:15 : [ X10] hc=A uc=1 cc=3 2008/02/21 14:15:40 : [ X10] hc=A uc=1 cc=3 2008/02/21 14:19:23 : [ X10] hc=A uc=1 cc=3 2008/02/21 14:19:24 : [ 5 44 BD 1] ST 255 2008/02/21 14:24:52 : [ 5 41 D7 1] DOF 0 2008/02/21 14:24:52 : [ 5 44 BD 1] ST 0 2008/02/21 14:24:54 : [ 5 41 D7 1] DON 0 2008/02/21 14:24:55 : [ 5 44 BD 1] ST 255 2008/02/21 14:24:55 : [ 5 41 D7 1] ST 255 Switch Stairs light off (was still on from prior test). Switch Stairs light on. Email received immediately: 2/21/2008 14:21:46: At Stairs Multi: In the Stairs (down, power),On has changed to Off. *** Service Machine. DO NOT REPLY *** Although you would think the message would be "Off has changed to On". Frank.
  3. Modified the test to prove that ISY is receiving the X10 A1 On signal and acting on it: If X10 'A1/On (3)' is Received Then Send Notification to All Set 'Stairs (up, load)' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Java Console: 2008/02/21 13:58:41 : [ X10] hc=A uc=1 cc=3 2008/02/21 14:08:15 : [ X10] hc=A uc=1 cc=3 2008/02/21 14:15:40 : [ X10] hc=A uc=1 cc=3 2008/02/21 14:19:23 : [ X10] hc=A uc=1 cc=3 2008/02/21 14:19:24 : [ 5 44 BD 1] ST 255 Program Summary shows Test program fired. Stairs lights came on. No email. Thanks, Frank.
  4. Examples are in the prior post, but is probably good to redo. If X10 'A1/On (3)' is Received Then Send Notification to All Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Java Console entry after firing A1 On: 2008/02/21 13:58:41 : [ X10] hc=A uc=1 cc=3 Program Summary page for program Test shows status True and the date/time stamp of when I sent the X10 A1 On. No email. I then choose, from the Program Summary page, Run, Apply. The program Test status shows True and the date/time stamp changes. I have an almost immediate email: 2/21/2008 14:01:47: At My Lighting: Sched has changed to Met. *** Service Machine. DO NOT REPLY *** Does that help? Thanks for looking into this. Frank. Update: Waited 15 minutes, still no email from the original or subsequent X10 A1 On tests.
  5. Chris/Michel, What kcshipley reported is what I also see (reported in December here: http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=694&highlight=notification) What I have been having to do, in order to get notification from X-10 devices is to have have ISY receive the X-10 message, set a lamp to 90%, then have a program that detects the lamp @ 90% and does a notify all. Pretty around about way of getting it done. The Test mail works every time, the run from program summary works every time, just not in a real program, as described in the URL above. Look forward to a fix. Currently v. 2.6. Thanks, Frank.
  6. Thanks. If you find a simple/quick (I know ...) way to just send the name of the program calling "Send Notification to All" in an upcoming beta, that would be sufficient for me. At least for now. Maybe just pass the known calling program name as a parameter to "Send Notification". Thanks, Frank.
  7. I'm probably missing something here, but, for the limited testing I've done, I only get two types of Email subjects/bodies: X10 Alert! Sched Alert! For the X10 Alert, the email body includes: which is useful, although not specific to which program sent the notification. But, the Sched Alert email body is: The Progam that called Send Notification was named "Notify A Visitor Is Entering Driveway" and its program is: If Program 'isVehicleIncoming-Program' is True Then Send Notification to All Run program 'Notify A Visitor Is Entering Driveway' (Else Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') How can I get the calling program name included in the body of the email so that I will know which of the many programs that could have called Send Notification actually sent that specific email? Thanks, Frank.
  8. Excellent. Thanks, Frank.
  9. Thanks, Michel. I had considered that, but didn't know if ISY "remembers" X-10 state, sort of as a 'flag/variable'. For example, if it receives the 'on' message, the rule/folder will be true, since it has not received the 'off' message. It then receives the 'off' message, perhaps 3 days later, so, the folder will not run. But it then receives the 'on' message a few days later. It has already received the 'off' message, so does it run? The problem is multiple disconnected 'on' and 'off' X-10 messages, separated by days. M - send 'on', runs T - no message, still runs W - send 'off', so will not run Th - send 'on', will it run?? it has previously received the 'off' message. Does the code you suggested mean: When you receive an 'on' message, the folder is activated for 'running', until a later 'off' message is received, at which point it will stop running, until another 'on' message is received, at which point the cycle restarts. Thanks, Frank.
  10. I can program my alarm panel to send an X-10 'On' message when it is armed as 'Away' and an 'Off' message when disarmed, e.g., B1-On, B1-Off. I have created a Scene in ISY for the lighting I would like to control via a schedule when Away. An 'Away' folder includes a program that will turn on/off the Scene based on a schedule (evening hours). The 'Away' folder needs a condition, based on whether the X-10 B1-On or B1-Off message is received (basically placing the folder on hold or not). The 'On' is easy (see below). If ISY receives an 'Off' message, will the below condition work properly? I think I need a way to explicitly have a received 'Off' X-10 message cause the folder condition to be false (not run program). Folder Conditions for 'Away' Add conditions to limit when programs in this folder are allowed to run. If X10 'B1/On (3)' is Received Then Allow the programs in this folder to run. If ISY maintains the 'On'/'Off' states of received X-10 messages and that is used in the above logic, I suppose it could work. Suggestions? Thanks, Frank.
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