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Everything posted by JBHorne

  1. "Evolved"? You mean "hijacked"?
  2. You know what, I found them! They were all "scenes" and now show up under "Scenes" under "Smart Home" instead of "Devices" where they were with v2! All "fixed"! Thanks!!!
  3. PM sent. Thanks!
  4. Within the ISY portal? Or within Alexa? On ISY --> Connectivity --> Amazon Echo, I see all my devices there with spoken words. On Alexa site, under Groups, I have none, and they are not under Devices.
  5. Yes, the ISY is set as my preferred unit. When I enable the skill, it has be sign in to my Amazon account. After that it brings up the portal authorization and I login there. Then it says to continue, close the window and discover devices. I run discovery and only my other devices (philips, ecobee, etc) are discovered. I attempted this three times.
  6. I was running v2 just fine, but decided to try out v3. Removed the V2 skill, forgot devices, installed and linked v3 skill. Now it won't discover devices. ISY portal shows green connectivity. I also went to My Profile, removed the Amazon link, and re-enabled. I've removed the v3 skill and re-added to no avail. Any ideas???
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