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Everything posted by chicharon

  1. Thanks Oberkc. I found my problem and it was complete operator error. I had unfinished scenes in another folder and was using those in mobilink rather than the ones I had finished. Still improving on my folder management Thanks.
  2. Hi, UL device 994i and firmware v4.0.5. I have a number of devices that respond to multilpe controllers. For example my kitchen lights have a SWL than controls the load and two other KPL buttons that are all linked together. I created 3 different scenes each with one controller and the other two devices as responders. This works fine if I physically press one of the buttons (SWL or KPL). The load switches on or off and the other two buttons reflect that status. However, if I use mobilink, only the controller in the scene responds. The other two responders do not. If I turn on the SWL (which controls the load) from mobile link the lights go on and the SWL has the correct status but the other two KPL buttons are off. If I try one of the KPL button scenes only the KPL button is controlled and not the other two. Tried switching on the SWL via mobilink outside the scene (i.e. the device itself) and still no luck. Is there a trick to this? Best Regards.
  3. I would never suggest "100s" or even tens of beta releases (between official releases) nor am I implying criticism here (sorry you took it this way). We are privy to what is targeted for the next beta release and those changes are scheduled to take roughly 4 months from the last beta release. If the changes defined in 2.7.7 take this amount of time and variable support is considered a major change and there is no estimate on when variable support might be implemented then it is difficult to imaging when this feature might be delivered. That was my point IRT releases. I wish it wasn't left up to me to calculate when we might see such a feature but without a roadmap or a statement that includes a possible target date, there is nothing else to go on. This is an enhancement that is important enough that I cannot help but try to determine when it might become a reality.
  4. Hello Michel, Add me to the list of customers who are very disappointed in the fact that there is no support for variables in this product. I am also surprised that you question what might be done with them that cannot be done without. How about something as simple as toggling different scenes when an Insteon button is pressed. Sure, that can be done (and I am currently, begrudgingly doing so) by defining dummy programs for a two bit value each but that is just an ugly way to accomplish something that would be clean and easy with variables. Or how about something a bit more complicated like assigning a variable a value based on the type of plants in a watering zone along with the time of year. At the end of each day use the weather module to check temperature, humidity and precipitation and formulate a number based on those factors. Subtract that number from the originally assigned number and when you reach zero, schedule watering at the appropriate time. You would need 8 programs to hold a mere 256 bit value (which would not suffice) and a clunky method to actually do the math given the current paradigm. Who knows, you may sell more weather modules (I'd buy one) if we had a better way to program the ISY. Given it has been nearly 9 months since the last official release and over 4 months since the last beta release and given this does not appear to be a priority I guess it is a pipe dream to think we might get variables anytime in the distant future. Since we cannot seem to get you to commit to a date, can you describe the type of variable support that we may expect if they ever do come available (i.e. size, program and global visibility, statics and not, ability to pass to another program, etc.) Sorry if this sounded like a rant. That was not my intent but I really feel this little box could be so much more than it currently is if basic things used in the simplest of programs started becoming available.
  5. Hello, I am running version 2.7.6.
  6. Thanks a bunch. That worked great. Will assume that any direct commands to secondary buttons available in the insteon set menu are no-ops and probably should not be listed? Thanks again.
  7. Hello, I am using a KPL button to start an ISY program that uses an X10 appliance module to switch on a pump, wait two minutes then switch off the pump. When the KPL button is pressed, the LED illuminates and the program runs as expected. At the end of the program I have the following line: Set 'Master Bedroom KPL (D)' off But the LED stays lit. I tried toggle on and off but neither seem to work. Also, Are there any plans to enable altering the LED brightness value within a program (I am new to the ISY so maybe it exists and I am missing it) Very Best Regards.
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