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  1. Hmmm. Now I have a question. Sometimes when I use a KPL or set a swichlink to run a program on a double click, etc, it seems the KPL 'hears the trigger' but the resulting program may not always reach all of the intended devices. I'll keep working on the noise and signal absorbtion issues (I already have 8 filterlinks. Sheesh). In the meantime, for the program action, I have been using the 'wait' command with a timing value of 2 or 3 seconds and then I have it run the same action again. So in essence the program runs twice to set the scene every time just in case it did not hear it the first time. So in real life, sometimes the scene response is immediate and once in a while it's delayed 2 seconds. That's when I know the second action did it. This seems to work. Should I use repeat instead? Can repeat be set for 2 or 3 seconds? Which way would be better? Thanks. Adam Sent from my iPhone
  2. Thanks. I did rewire mine anyway per the suggestion above. Nice to know for the future however.
  3. Interestingingly enough, we had the EXACT same issues! I could not reset my PLM either no matter how much I tried to follow the directions. My PLM was v. 3.1 Now, i had another PLM lying around but at v. 2.9. That would not reset either and that did not fix the ISY either - leading me to believe it was, in fact, the ISY that was the problem. Regardless, I replaced both and now its all good. While we have/had the exact same issue, I still think its a freak thing and a rarety. My problem now is that we are so used to the ISY and KPLs in our house (only 30 days into a full install) that we cant go back!!!! So I hope all is good well into the future.
  4. I hate to say this but this is exactly what just happened to me. Smarthome sent a new ISY and PLM and now everything works again. You will be ok when your new stuff arrives. So far so good on my second ISY but it's only been 24 hours. That said, not many posts with similar problems related to what happened to us so it's probably a freak thing. Let's hope.
  5. I have an issue (among others!). Our basement is fully Insteon enabled along with the rest of our house. At the top of the stairs leading to the basement, we have a 5 gang box with 5 switchlinks - load enabled. In the basement, there is another 5 gang box wiith 5 switchlinks (no load) and two other 2 gang boxes with switchlincs (no load). The switches are all linked as appropriate for 3 way and 4 way switching, as appropriate. When one switch is activated at a time, everything works. The 3 way or 4 way switches track LED indicators properly. The problem arises when the user presses 2 switches at the same time. For example, when i am at the top of the stair landing ready to walk into the basement, I (along with the rest of my family) have a habit of simultaneously pressing two of the switchlinks to turn on both the stairway lights and the bottom landing lights at the same time. Both lights turn on, however, only one of the LED status bars will track on the 3 way (non load)switches at the bottom of the landing. I assume this is because Insteon is trying to send out the commands at the exact same time. Only one 3-way switch gets the signal. Pressing the switch again gets the other LED status to track. How should I handle this (other than pressing one switch at a time). Should I write a program that basically looks at the 3 way "scene" all the time and when one is on, all are on? How would I even do this to assure dim status is considered, as opposed to regular 'on' and 'off'. Also, this would require i write numerous programs for each 3 way 'scene' Would this be too much of a load on the ISY to run 5 of these programs sumultaneously to make sure the switches are in sync? Thanks. Adam
  6. This has happened to me also. Cant remember if its first or last, but I close the interface and open it back up and it works. But yeah, I get it too sometimes.
  7. So black is common. Cool. Figured. Thanks. FYI Smarthome should update their instructions and call for red and black wires for normally closed leads. Mike is correct. Now I need to resolder and reheat shrink my perfect splices.
  8. Thank you! Hey can you post in this thread if you have any updated news regarding an RMA for a new I/O Link with upgraded firmware? I assume it must be an RMA and its not going to be flash upgradeable.
  9. Hey all, I installed the I/O Link garage door kit on both garage doors this past weekend. It seems I am running into trouble every few days when we have a power loss to the I/O link outlets (we are doing construction on the house and frequently powering off various breakers). Specifically, the I/O link is retaining the necessary "Momentary: A" checkbox, but the "Trigger Off" checkbox is defaulting to 'unchecked' position upon restoration of power. This is messing up my programming, which was in accordance with the I/O Link Garage Door Kit Instructions and the UDI Wiki Page directions, i.e., the lights on the KPL are backwards and I immediately now know what is causing it - - - the "Trigger Off" needs to be re-check boxed again (and usually there was a power loss I believe prior to every instance of this occuring). Both I/O Links are Model 2450 v.33 per the ISY Network HTML page. Both are newly purchased from Smarthome. I believe I have a workaround. The UDI Wiki page speaks of the following text: ----- If you wired the sensor according to the directions provided with the kit, you used the black and green wires from the reed switch. These are the normally open leads from the sensor. If you sensor is normally open then you need to enable the Trigger Off option in the I/O Linc options dialog to make it behave as if it was a normally closed sensor. Be sure the Relay is set to Momentary: A as this allows the relay to return to the off state after it triggers the garage door opener (after the Timeout). Without this, you may lose the ability to control the door locally since the garage door button is essentially being held down by the relay. see: http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... e_Door_Kit ----- So, what if i just use the "Normally Closed" leads on the sensor. This would then require that I never check the "Trigger Off" box, right? In essence, it would be the 'opposite' and therefore Trigger Off is never checked, right? So, upon power loss it would power up in a ready state. Here is my question: What color are the Normally Closed Leads? Is it the Black and Red, Green and Red, or Red and Black leads on the sensor? (My sensor is already installed and, while the leads are defined on the back, it will be too much of a pain to remove the sensor now and, of course, I threw out the directions). Anyone noticing this I/O Link behavior? Adam
  10. OK. I was just making sure that I was not missing some easy step. I am an x-10 convert where I lived in "all on" and "all off" for a specific letter, so i had to hit each letter one at a time. Someone posted that group 255 in Insteon was for all on or all off, I cant remember what that was about. But I guess I need to add all 47 to the scene. Will there be a delay from the state change of the first light to the state change of the last light, as the scene is played out for all 47 switches from beginning to end, or will all lights go off concurrently? Thanks for the help.
  11. I suppose it should simply run the "all off" command again. I have kids who may push the button again "just to be sure".
  12. Hey all, First, I am very new to the ISY, but anxious to learn. When my project is done, I will have close to 50+ switches, a few outlets, a few I/O links, and about 5 KPLs. I have a scene created to turn on three outdoor lights. I never turn that "scene off" because the lights are scheduled to go off at different times. I am a CQC automation user (www.charmedquark.com for those unaware), so basically I am using the CQC event server to trigger the scene on, and then using the CQC event server to trigger each individual light off at my scheduled time. I am aware I could do this in the ISY also, but i just as well did it via CQC. Anyway, I would like to program a KPL button in my bedroom to turn off all the lights in the house at sleep time, except for the three outdoor lights which are automated via the schedule. We are talking 47 switches I want off, which excludes the three switches that are schedule automated. Do I need to create a scene and add these 47 switches, and just do a 'scene off', or is there a smarter way to accomplish this? Finally, I want to be sure that the KPL light is on if any of the 47 switches are on, so i know if a light was left on in the house. If there is, i would press that KPL button to initiate an all lights off (again except for the 3 switches that are schedule automated) and the KPL light would then turn off. I DO NOT want all the lights to turn on if i press that KPL button when the KPL light is off. I know this is probably VERY easy - but i want to make sure i do this the best most efficient way. Adam p.s. Looking forward to being a part of the community.
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