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Everything posted by justin.cool

  1. I sold my home last May with an ISY-994 Pro and 100 or so Insteon devices. The new owner called and is in a pickle. He has never even logged into the ISY-994.......and he appears to have lost the password, etc etc. He had to replace a failed Insteon dimmer switch and now the new switch needs to be brought into the network............Can he get support from UD to get this fixed? If so, is there an hourly rate? I would have told him to do this but he is completely IT-challenged. Any advice would be appreciated...... Justin in Dallas
  2. I have moderately large Insteon / Universal Devices based system: Configuration ISY 994i/IR Pro Firmware: v.4.2.18, UI is the same. PLM: 2413S; (Recently upgraded to the latest 2413S due to known problems with V9B firmware.) Approximately 120 Insteon devices: · Mainly Switchlincs, Lamplincs, Outletlincs, On/Off Adapters, etc etc 10 KPL’s – about 15% are dual band units RemoteLincs (3) RemoteLinc2 (4) Controllincs (2) Access Points (4) – 2 on each phase from each subpanel Dualband LampLinc dimmers (4) Dual Band 240V load controller (2) (Normal Open, dual band) Signal Linc (2) Venstar Thermostats (3) with V2 RF interface Further Notes · All thermostat dongles (T1, T2 and T3) are Rev 2.2R - Background We have sold our house and the new owner is a newbie to all things SmartHome, Home Automation, Universal Devices, etc etc. He has all apple computers, including an Apple Airport Extreme Router/Time Capsule. I have poked around but have been unable to find a concise, easy to follow, set of instructions for him to get his UD admin console working on his Mac. My Question: Could anyone point me in the right direction as to where I could find such a set of newbie oriented instructions? He may even consider a hard / dedicated ethernet hookup to his Mac from the ISY-994, if that is possible. Justin in Dallas
  3. Can Device Restore be automated? We recently had a number of power outages in our area….which unfortunately seems to be the norm at certain times of the year. As a result, some of my Insteon devices were acting funny, ie not responding, button flashing after a press, etc etc. As a result, I had to do a Device Restore on about 10 of my approximately 110 various devices. And in reality, I may need to do more but just may not be noticing any issues, yet. Questions: 1. Is there some way to automatically run Device Links Table checks, say at 2 AM, when there is relatively little system activity? Or is there some other health check I can do? 2. Is it possible to run a Restore Device routinely and automatically on 5 or so different devices per night??
  4. I have another failed dual band KPL dimmer, Rev 7.0. It has competely died, Query fails, any attempts to communicate fail, no response from buttons. I am replacing it with a new one. Question: Can I expect the Replace Device function to work successfully when the device being replaced has completely died?
  5. UPDATE I had been trying to figure out what could be causing noise problems across my ENTIRE system, including 3 power subpanels. Could it be bad CFL? Some of the new LED spots and can lightsI installed? Then it dawned on me, I have installed 5 Sonos players, 1 Sonos connect, and 2 bridge units in the past 9 months. And they are spread across the entire house, from workshop to the Master Bath. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, was the solution as simple as filtering all of the units? Could the Sonos RF network being contributing to the problem as well? Justin
  6. UD Team…..I need help…… I had a thread going under Failure during Device Restore. As part of the troubleshooting process for that, I was advised to replace my 2412S PLM with the 2413S that I had purchased sometime ago. Once I replaced the PLM, things appear to have really gone South. See below…… As a result, I started this thread where I saw some others discuss PLM replacement issues. Configuration Dec 2014 ISY-994i IR/PRO, running 4.0.5 and UI 4.0.11 PLM: Replaced the 2412S with the 2413S as part of this issue Approximately 120 Insteon devices: Mainly Switchlincs, Lamplincs, Outletlincs, On/Off Adapters, etc etc 10 KPL’s – about 15% are dual band units Triggerlincs (2) RemoteLincs (3) RemoteLinc2 (4) Controllincs (2) Access Points (4) – 2 on each phase from each subpanel Dualband LampLinc dimmers (4) Dual Band 240V load controller (2) (Normal Open, dual band) Signal Linc (2) Venstar Thermostats (3) with V2 RF interface EZRain/EZFlora Irrigation Controller v.92 House is about 4000 sq feet, two floors, but spread out. Two primary subpanels, one secondary. Secondary is dedicated to dryer, pool filter and water feature, and some outdoor outlets on the patio. Both primary panels each have a signal linc installed in the panels. Both primary panels have Leviton 51110-1 120/240 120/240 Volt Single-Phase Panel surge protectors. All power strips in use in the house are either filtered via X-10 Pro 20 A in line or 15A plug in filters, or do NOT have any surge suppression or noise filtering. No UPS in the system. Numerous other devices are filtered via one of the above or a simple X-10 5A plug in filter or a Leviton in line 5A filter. All thermostat dongles (T1, T2 and T3) are Rev 2.2R Replacing my PLM – 2412S out and 2413S in Disabled all programs Plugged in the new PLM, then powered up the ISY Went to Admin Console and initiated Restore Modem Left the room to let the restore take place Returned some time later and found about 20 of the “Cannot communicate with……..” dialog boxes in the admin console. (See Event Viewer for the PLM Restore). Also, in the admin console each of the 20 devices had the little green “0110” icon indicating that updates were required. Went to all my RF devices and put them one at a time in Programming mode and initiated Updates for each. That seemed to work OK. I then went to each of the non-RF devices that had a “Cannot communicate…..” dialog box and initiated Update Device for each. This seemed to complete successfully for the first 5 or 6 devices, then I got the “Cannot communicate” dialog box again for several devices. I ran Device Links Table / Compare on several of the problem devices and got some matches and some mismatches on all of those. I attempted to do a Device Restore and got “Cannot communicate…..” dialog box again on several of them. I then attempted to do a Device Restore on a device that had NOT had any communication issues. The restore device appears to complete in less than 1 second, and the event viewer only has two lines in it, then nothing, see below: (NOTE: The event viewer was in level 3). Sun 12/07/2014 10:40:35 PM : [ A B7 7 1] Preparing Device 'Lvng Rm China Cab Li' for Restore Sun 12/07/2014 10:40:35 PM : [ A B7 7 1] Device 'Lvng Rm China Cab Li' ready for Full Restore I did some further troubleshooting on Monday, 8 Dec, and initially got the same result, ie ONLY the two lines above in the event viewer. I then powered down the ISY and PLM, powered up the PLM first, then the ISY, and a Device Restore generated lots of events in the event viewer, as I would have expected. However, the Device Restore eventually failed, the same error I saw above, “Cannot communicate…..” I then ran it again and this time it got all the way through without any communication errors being reported, and the event viewer generated lots of data. At this point, I think it is safe to say that I have some noise and/or signal suckers somewhere in the system. However, I don’t know if my PLM is functioning as it should, albeit with noise in the system. In other words, I feel I need to get back to some baseline or at least do some troubleshooting or whatever to verify that the PLM itself is NOT part of the problem. Then I can go after noise and signal suckers! Any guidance from the UD Team would be greatly appreciated. ISY-Events-Log.v4.2.66__Fri 2014.12.05 04.06.58 PM_New PLM.txt
  7. Michel, Thanks as always for the prompt response..... I have sonos and DirecTV......... I will send a link as requested..... Kind regards, Justin
  8. Issue: 994i “hung” while on vacation Configuration: ISY-994i IR/PRO, running 4.0.5 and UI 4.0.11 PLM: 2412S (Have 2413S, but not yet installed) Approximately 120 Insteon devices: Mainly Switchlincs, Lamplincs, Outletlincs, On/Off Adapters, etc etc 10 KPL’s – about 15% are dual band units Triggerlincs (2) RemoteLincs (3) RemoteLinc2 (4) Controllincs (2) Access Points (4) – 2 on each phase from each subpanel Dualband LampLinc dimmers (4) Dual Band 240V load controller (2) (Normal Open, dual band) Signal Linc (2) Venstar Thermostats (3) with V2 RF interface EZRain/EZFlora Irrigation Controller v.92 Both primary power panels have Leviton 51110-1 120/240 120/240 Volt Single-Phase Panel surge protectors. Background About one week into a three week vacation, on 20 June, there were some power hits in the Dallas area where I live, and it appears that the 994 just “hung”. See Log and Error Log below: ERROR LOG Thu 2014/06/19 07:18:13 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=RENEW Thu 2014/06/19 09:18:29 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=RENEW Thu 2014/06/19 11:18:44 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=RENEW Fri 2014/06/20 01:19:00 AM System -100 [DHCP] state=RENEW Fri 2014/07/04 07:15:09 AM System -5 Start Fri 2014/07/04 07:15:27 AM System -170001 [Network] Established Fri 2014/07/04 07:30:42 AM System -5012 26 Fri 2014/07/04 09:14:17 AM System -100 [DHCP] state=RENEW Fri 2014/07/04 11:14:33 AM System -100 [DHCP] state=RENEW Fri 2014/07/04 01:14:49 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=RENEW Fri 2014/07/04 03:15:04 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=RENEW Fri 2014/07/04 05:15:20 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=RENEW Fri 2014/07/04 07:15:36 PM System -100 [DHCP] state=RENEW Fri 2014/07/04 08:59:06 PM System -50001 -5 SYSTEM LOG Scene:My Lighting Status Query Fri 2014/06/20 04:02:00 AM Program Log T1 Kit Thermo R2 - Main / T1 Kit Thermo R2 - Cool Contr Status On Fri 2014/06/20 04:16:48 AM System Log T1 Kit Thermo R2 - Main Heat/Cool State Cool On Fri 2014/06/20 04:16:48 AM System Log T1 Kit Thermo R2 - Main Status 81? Fri 2014/06/20 04:17:07 AM System Log T1 Kit Thermo R2 - Main Status 80? Fri 2014/06/20 04:18:13 AM System Log T1 Kit Thermo R2 - Main / T1 Kit Thermo R2 - Cool Contr Status Off Fri 2014/06/20 04:18:52 AM System Log 0 null Fri 2014/07/04 07:15:09 AM System Start Scene:My Lighting Status Query Fri 2014/07/04 07:15:27 AM System Log Fam Rm KPL1. A Ceil Lts Status 0% Fri 2014/07/04 07:15:27 AM System Log Fam Rm KPL1. A Ceil Lts On Level 35% Fri 2014/07/04 07:15:27 AM System Log Fam Rm KPL1. A Ceil Lts Ramp Rate 2.0 Sec Fri 2014/07/04 07:15:27 AM System Log Fam Rm KPL1. A Ceil Lts / Fam Rm KPL1. B Status 0% Fri 2014/07/04 07:15:28 AM System Log When I got home from vacation I noticed that something was wrong with the system, including the fact that the ERROR light on the 994 was solid ON. Unfortunately I did not notice the status of the other 994 lights……….. I unplugged the 994, waited a minute and plugged it back in, and everything was back to normal. But in the meantime, for two of the three weeks of my vacation, it appears that the ISY was effectively offline…… clearly not a desirable situation. Questions Is there some setting on the ISY that would force a reboot under those circumstances? Is there anything I could have done from several thousand miles away on vacation in order to recognize the issue and/or fix this? (Short of having my neighbor go in the house and reset the ISY). Do I need to get a UPS for the ISY? Or the Web Power Switch as recommended in the forum? Or both? As always, any guidance from this forum greatly appreciated! ISY Novice in Dallas
  9. I just upgraded to the ISY-994, everything seems OK with the exception of my RemoteLinc 2 units (now called the Mini Remote). In particular, the 2444A2, 4 Scene RemoteLinc2. After the upgrade the all of my Mini Remotes stopped working, by that I mean it would not control the scenes. I deleted the devices from the Network and added them back using AutoDetect, and that did not work either. I read some threads in the forum related to this topic and then manually selected the device type, and then all buttons came back, I was able to relink the scenes and one of my 2444A2’s works fine at controlling the scenes. However, in the Admin Console, the “Current State†is only properly displayed for the “A†button. The other buttons work, but the “Current State†is blank. In addition, in the scene window of the admin console, in the “Current State†section for buttons B, C and D, it does NOT reflect the status of the lights in the scene, even though the lights have been changed to the proper state by pressing the Mini Remote button. If I do a QUERY, then the Current State changes accordingly. Bottom Line: only the A button seems to be operating as expected with respect to the “Current State†window in the Admin Console. Justin
  10. Lee, Thanks for the prompt response. I have been burned by that in the past. If I recall correctly, Safari is one culprit that automatically unzips files. As a result, I only use Firefox to download those files. In addition, I checked the file itself and it still has the .zip extension. I then unzipped it and it grew to 7 MB from 5 something MB. So I believe I am using an unzipped file....... That said, I did copy the file from the download folder to my local "Home Automation" folder.......... Justin
  11. I apologize if this has been answered somewhere before, but I haven't found it in my searching the forum....... I am trying to upgrade to the ISY-994i/IR Pro from the ISY-99i/IR Pro (1050). Per the recommendations/ instructions I need to get my ISY-99 to 3.3.10 from 3.2.6, before I install the 994. But the install of 3.3.10 hangs very early in the load (about 2%) and gives the following two errors: Upgrade Failed: Failed uploading file (reported written size is invalid) Socket Open Failed java.io.IOException: Broken pipe I have seen at least one thread where this was resolved by clearing the cache....I have done the same and I get the same errors each time. I am running a Mac with OSX Mountain Lion 10.8.5, with Java Version 7 Update 45 (build 1.7.0_45-b18). I did have to upgrade to this latest version of Java...... Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide...... Justin
  12. I have just ordered the ISY994i/IR PRO to upgrade my 99i/IR PRO. I have read lots of threads about things to watch out for and am ready to make the plunge. However, I have just one more question. I plan on retaining my 2412S, and not going to the dual band PLM. As I have multiple access points now, including one plugged right on top of the 2412S. And this has worked well for the last 5 years, (once I beat out all the noise and signal sucker issues). Question: Are there any gotcha's I need to watch out for with this decision to retain the 2412S, or do I need to take the wallet hit and go with the 2413S and the new power supply? Regards Justin
  13. Is there a quick way to replace/reprogram a dimmer KPL for a relay based KPL? I have used the menu item that lets me replace items of the same basic type, ie dimmer KPL for a dimmer KPL, or switchlinc relay for a switchlinc relay. But not when I am changing from relay KPL to a dimmer KPL. These are both KPL-8s and have a lot of programming and scene linkages that will be time consuming to reprogram..... If not, so be it, but I have often missed shortcuts....
  14. Got it, thanks! Justin
  15. LeeG, Thanks for the reply. However, I have made changes to the ramp rate and ON Levels. Now I need to get them back to where they were before and make sure they don't get changed, right? Can I manually set them back? A factory reset? Justin
  16. This question has probably been answered before but my attempts to search for an answer have been fruitless. I have an ISY-99i running 2.8.16, the rest of my system config is listed below. I recently installed an EZ-Flora 5010A module to replace my Rainbird unit. Initial checkout shows it is working as expected, however, there are some controls in the ISY admin console for the EZ-Flora that I don't understand: 1. What does FAST ON/OFF do with respect to the EZ-Flora? 2. What does the ramp rate and ON Level adjustment do with respect to the EZ-Flora? System Config Approximately 100 Insteon devices: • Mainly Switchlincs, Lamplincs, Outletlincs, On/Off Adapters, etc etc • 7 KPL’s • Triggerlincs (2) • RemoteLincs (3) • Controllincs (2) • ISY-99i • Access Points (4) • Dualband LampLinc dimmers (4) • Signal Linc (2) • Venstar Thermostats (3) with V2 RF interface
  17. sperok, Thanks very much! Great insight. I can certainly see where not being able to pick up where the Sonos player left off would be an issue. I will have to think about this one. Justin
  18. hurting2ride, Thanks for the input......I have come across some other ideas I am exploring. Including implementation via a Sonos system that I will be getting at the end of the year. Bottom line: The ideal solution would be an Insteon plug in module, with a form factor of an Icon relay or dual band dimmer module, that could play selected tunes/tones/gongs and even have a low level flashing light. It could be fully controlled via the ISY or as part of a scene. And therefore could be used as a remote door bell, telephone ringer, alarm for doors, car in driveway warning, low or high temperature thresholds, etc etc. However, I fear that the business case may not justify what it would take to make this happen at Smarthome.
  19. Hurting2Ride Now that is the beginning of an interesting concept!!! Something like an old "cheap" iPod Touch or iPhone, used as an iPod touch, it can be "ON" all the time, and can play through airtunes (using airport express) to selfpowered speakers that I already have around the house. Through an app I should be able to have it play ring tones, songs, gongs, voice, etc etc. And if it can be queued / controlled over the network via the ISY-99?? Is the network module part of the ISY? Thanks, great idea!! Justin
  20. Thanks for the ideas. Since I posted I have done a little research on wireless, and corded, inexpensive doorbells. Some as low as $4, with multi tune / voice recording ones for as little as $15. Where the "bell" unit just plugs into any outlet where you want to hear the tone / song / voice recording. The switch is a battery driven wireless pico sized unit. What would be really slick would be to have an Insteon compatible RF transmitter for these wireless units. Or an IR wireless doorbell unit that I could program with the ISY-99IR. I will keep researching......... Google the Uxcell company. Cheap outfit in Hong Kong or China.....but they have interesting doorbells at very reasonable prices, available through Amazon. Justin
  21. Dear apostolakisl, No, unfortunately I do not have any of the three. No intercom, no computer on all the time except the ISY-99, and really don't want to invest in a ELK, as it appears to be overkill big time. Justin
  22. All, I believe this is the right category in the forum for this....if not let me know and I will repost. I am looking for an ISY-99 controlled / activitated device (eg Insteon compatible) that can generate selected tones. In other words, remote plug in devices that I can put around the house and on the patio that I can program to generate various selectable tones, gongs, or ring tones for a particular condition, for example: * Doorbell * Bedtime for the kids * Car in the driveway * Phone ringing * Freezer / reefer left open * Garage door left open after 10PM I have seen specific devices, for the doorbell, or car in the driveway or phone. And I know how to generate the trigger to the ISY for these events, but flashing lights (as I currently do for some of these conditions) and Switchlinc beeps are only so effective. A pleasant "gong" or ring tone that could be uniquely programmed for each condition would be ideal. Or take it a step further, a pleasant computer voice (if one actually exists) that says: "Garage door is open". (Imagine Hal's voice from 2001 Space Odyssey). Ideally, a small plug in module that could be discretely put in places all over the house and outdoors, that was programmable for the: tone / gong / voice volume range or volume ramp duration of the tone Does anyone out there have a clever way of doing this short of a whole bunch of unique (and expensive) devices???
  23. Some good ideas to think about....... I also spoke with Smarthome today, (after requisite 5 minutes on hold), and they informed me that in the next 60 days or so, they will have a pico sized (about 1" x 3", like a key fob) remote linc of sorts. RF, four buttons only, but otherwise just like a remote link. I would still need to somehow protect it, like mount it in a water resistant case, out of the sun and rain, like on a covered patio........ Not perfect, yet......but getting there, thanks!
  24. Hello all, Would appreciate any ideas someone may have on accomplishing the following functions ........I can't help but think that some clever way exists to get this done, I just haven't figured it out! Ideally I would like a "KPL like" device with the following characteristics: - outdoor compatible / survivable - Ideally waterproof - Permanently mountable in multiple locations near the pool and on the patio (Remote controls have tendency to walk off in kids hands). - Programmed through my ISY-99 withOUT having to go put it in "Linking" mode like the RemoteLinc's. - Should not be hardwired to or need 120VAC household wiring - Safe, low voltage or batteries are OK, low voltage being preferred Will be used to control the following devices that have various types of loads that have Insteon controllers already installed: - Deck lights - switchlinc - Pool water feature pump (230v normally open Insteon relay) - Pool light - switchlinc - Patio lights - switchlinc - Ceiling fans - switchlinc I have mulled around some indirect methods, like having in-Line linc's with sensing and then using cheap $15 wirelessly controlled (like the Lamson Home Products #HW2190 Heavy Duty Remote On/Off Control) outlets that are wired to the sensing line on a the inline linc. But these seems a bit contrived or round about to say the least. Also looked at an IR Linc with an outdoor waterproof remote.......probably the most straightforward, but again I prefer to have these things permanently mounted. Any advice or ideas along these lines would be appreciated! (NOTE: I posted this in the Smarthome forum as well, but have always gotten better responses here).
  25. Round 3 I think I see what you may be poking at. Anyway, let me answer your questions first: Relationships: 1. "Upstrs Bthroom sink lites": This is an Icon 2876SB Relay V.39 The bathroom lights are switched by this device 2. "upstrs bathroom remote swlinc": This is a 2476S Switchlinc relay with sense V.37. Note that Smarthome sent me this device because they were out of straight Switchlinc relays. I installed it per the directions which left the yellow wire open, and coupled one of the red wires with the line if I remember correctly. Thus I am not using the sensing capability at all. (Not sure if this could be the problem?) This is a switch WITHOUT a load. It is used as a three way switch configuration where either relay #1 or #2 above can turn the bathroom lights on or off. Both of these relays are set up as Controllers in the scene, “Upstrs Sink Litesâ€. No other devices in the scene. GFCI outlets As for the GFCI outlets, I STAND CORRECTED, there are two GFCI outlets, with NO downstream protected devices for either (ie no devices wired up to be protected by these GFCI outlets). And since I clearly made a mistake above, I have verified that when these two are “poppedâ€, all other devices in this circuit have power EXCEPT the two outlets. So now for the interesting part….. In the scenarios above, I was turning on the light via the ISY-99, by turning ON one of the controllers, as opposed to the scene. I noticed that when I did this, the light did indeed come ON, but the second switch, "upstrs bathroom remote swlinc", did NOT come ON. Therefore, one controller was ON while the other was OFF. Just for my own sanity, I verifed that when I turned the light ON manually, (via the switch itself) both switches came ON, and both went OFF when I turned the light OFF. And the ISY reported this accurately. Thus, Scenario 1 always had one controller ON, while the other was OFF. That said, I reran scenario 1 several times, as below: Scenario 1A 1. Timer program status = FALSE 2. Check that is light is off, verify that ISY status is OFF for both switches. 3. Turn ON the "Upstrs Bthroom sink lites" switch via ISY. 4. Verify that light is ON. 5. ISY status for "Upstrs Bthroom sink lites": is ON. 6. ISY status for "upstrs bathroom remote swlinc": is OFF. 7. Timer program status is TRUE, Timer has kicked in as expected. (“Running Thenâ€) 8. STOP the timer program via the Program Summary window – Status of the program remains TRUE 9. Run the ELSE statement of the timer program via the Program Summary window – Status of the program goes to FALSE 10. Verify that the light is ON 11. ISY status for "Upstrs Bthroom sink lites": is ON. 12. ISY status for "upstrs bathroom remote swlinc": is OFF. 13. Perform a manual Query of the switch: "Upstrs Bthroom sink lites": (right click on mouse in admin console window) 14. ISY status for "Upstrs Bthroom sink lites": is ON. 15. ISY status for "upstrs bathroom remote swlinc": is OFF. 16. The timer program kicks in as expected, status of timer program = TRUE 17. Verify that the light is ON Scenario 1B 1. Timer program status = FALSE 2. Check that is light is off, verify that ISY status is OFF for both switches. 3. Turn ON the Scene "Upstrs sink lites" via ISY. 4. Verify that light is ON. 5. ISY status for "Upstrs Bthroom sink lites": is ON. 6. ISY status for "upstrs bathroom remote swlinc": is ON. 7. Timer program status is TRUE, Timer has kicked in as expected. (“Running Thenâ€) 8. STOP the timer program via the Program Summary window – Status of the program remains TRUE 9. Run the ELSE statement of the timer program via the Program Summary window – Status of the program goes to FALSE 10. Verify that the light is ON 11. ISY status for "Upstrs Bthroom sink lites": is ON. 12. ISY status for "upstrs bathroom remote swlinc": is ON. 13. Perform a manual Query of the Scene: "Upstrs sink lites": (right click on mouse in admin console window) 14. ISY status for "Upstrs Bthroom sink lites": is ON. 15. ISY status for "upstrs bathroom remote swlinc": is ON. 16. The timer program kicks in as expected, status of timer program = TRUE 17. Verify that the light is ON Scenario 1C – Same as 1B except the Scene was Queried 1. Timer program status = FALSE 2. Check that is light is off, verify that ISY status is OFF for both switches. 3. Turn ON the Scene "Upstrs sink lites" via ISY. 4. Verify that light is ON. 5. ISY status for "Upstrs Bthroom sink lites": is ON. 6. ISY status for "upstrs bathroom remote swlinc": is ON. 7. Timer program status is TRUE, Timer has kicked in as expected. (“Running Thenâ€) 8. STOP the timer program via the Program Summary window – Status of the program remains TRUE 9. Run the ELSE statement of the timer program via the Program Summary window – Status of the program goes to FALSE 10. Verify that the light is ON 11. ISY status for "Upstrs Bthroom sink lites": is ON. 12. ISY status for "upstrs bathroom remote swlinc": is ON. 13. Perform a manual Query of the switch: "Upstrs Bthroom sink lites": (right click on mouse in admin console window) 14. ISY status for "Upstrs Bthroom sink lites": is ON. 15. ISY status for "upstrs bathroom remote swlinc": is ON. 16. The timer program kicks in as expected, status of timer program = TRUE 17. Verify that the light is ON Scenario 1D – For thoroughness: Same as B except the other Switchlinc is Queried 1. Timer program status = FALSE 2. Check that is light is off, verify that ISY status is OFF for both switches. 3. Turn ON the Scene "Upstrs sink lites" via ISY. 4. Verify that light is ON. 5. ISY status for "Upstrs Bthroom sink lites": is ON. 6. ISY status for "upstrs bathroom remote swlinc": is ON. 7. Timer program status is TRUE, Timer has kicked in as expected. (“Running Thenâ€) 8. STOP the timer program via the Program Summary window – Status of the program remains TRUE 9. Run the ELSE statement of the timer program via the Program Summary window – Status of the program goes to FALSE 10. Verify that the light is ON 11. ISY status for "Upstrs Bthroom sink lites": is ON. 12. ISY status for "upstrs bathroom remote swlinc": is ON. 13. Perform a manual Query of the switch: "upstrs bathroom remote swlinc": (right click on mouse in admin console window) 14. ISY status for "Upstrs Bthroom sink lites": is ON. 15. ISY status for "upstrs bathroom remote swlinc": is ON. 16. The timer program kicks in as expected, status of timer program = TRUE 17. Verify that the light is ON Now I have think about these results, as they do not track with the way the query is supposed to behave, as you have pointed out…….. My head is starting to hurt…..taking a break.
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