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  1. The Yolink NS v8.88 has been released containing a fix for the multiple command send issue which prevented Yolink remote buttons from being used to trigger toggle programs. Thanks @panda88! With the fix I'm able to successfully control eight toggle programs with a four button Yolink remote using either short or long key presses. It's similar to my first post in this thread except for these changes: 1. I configure each Yolink remote button to have a short key press send a DON, and a long key press send a DFON. 2. For the programs, I use control rather than status, I have the short press toggle program trigger on ON, and the long press toggle program trigger on Fast ON. So far it seems to work very reliably.
  2. Looking at this again, I think the best way to implement this is to use a single variable expressed as a contact sensor. You can do On/Off routines triggered by Closed/Open states, without the issue of the motion detector waiting for "no motion detected" to timeout. It's working well for me set up this way, there is about a 1-2 second lag on both on/off for the light controlled by the variable.
  3. @tmorse305I got this working today with the virtual toggle switch. It looks like I didn't really need to create a virtual toggle because I could have changed the variable state based on one of the other actual devices in the scene. The virtual toggle would be needed if I was trying to create a scene with only devices unknown to UD. For anyone trying to follow along, here are the steps. 1. Create a state variable, that is set/unset by programs when a member of the scene (virtual or actual) is turned on/off. 2. In the Alexa section of ISY Portal, create an Alexa device based on the variable using the category "motion detector". 3. In the Alexa app, create two routines for turning the targeted device on/off, based on the state of the virtual motion detector. While this can be done with one variable/virtual motion detector, there is a delay turning off, because the smallest interval for "no motion detected" is one minute. It would be better to use two variables and virtual motion detectors catching on/off states so that the trigger for both states uses "motion detected".
  4. @tmorse Thanks for this. It didn't occur to me to use one virtual button in the scene and a separate one outside the scene to turn it off. Regarding the Virtual NS, I saw that but couldn't make much sense of it. I can see now that it could be very useful. I'm actually a big fan of toggle solutions, so this is good information for me. I'm also playing around with Flic buttons and Yolink remotes as triggers for toggle programs.
  5. The Virtual Buttons NS can control any device that supports Alexa integration. I was able to virtually add a smart light bulb to scene by writing programs that use the virtual buttons, and are triggered when when an actual member of the scene changes status to on or off. I've written a post with an example of how to do that.
  6. I have a smart light bulb from a company named Wiz. It doesn't have a dedicated node server that can control it, it's what I refer to as a feral device, but it does have an app that can be used to integrate it as an Alexa controlled device. The Virtual Buttons NS can be used to control any Alexa integrated device using a UD program, but it wasn't obvious at first how to control the feral device through a scene. My solution is to trigger the program with the status of another device in the scene in question. This program detects the scene turning on due to the light switch "Office Main" turning on to its usual 50% level. It calls the program "Desk Lamp On" which is the feral smart bulb. The "Desk Lamp On" program uses a virtual button from the NS to trigger an Alexa Routine. The variable $DeskLamp is set just to track status for a separate toggle program. The Alexa Routine turns on the light in response to the virtual button. There are corresponding programs and a routine for turning off the light.
  7. I'm also seeing this with the Yolink NS. Deleting and reinstalling is the only way to update that NS, and now that's blocked.
  8. Hi @Panda88, thanks! I've attached a debug log for a replicated toggle command. I used different devices this time. The remote button is d88b4c010005f131 and it's controlling a scene with the switch 8b4c01000574cb. I pressed the button at 12:24, the switch toggled on, then at 12:25 it toggled back off again. Yolink_NS_Debug_Log_Command_Resend_Issue.log
  9. Hi @Panda88, I've been experimenting with new Don/Doff and Toggle features available for the Yolink four key remote and have noticed that each command is sent twice. For the Don and Dof commands, this isn't normally very noticeable, but was in my case because I was triggering toggle programs (not your toggle feature) and so my target alway toggled back to the original state. Your toggle feature has the same problem, if added to a scene, the scene always toggle back to the original state. I've attached two activity logs that demonstrate this for a Don command, and a Toggle command. Each is the result of a single remote button key press, where the button is controlling a scene. The remote button is n005_c01000534key0. The devices n005_8b4c0100056aae and n005_8b4c0100056ca0 are two Yolink On/Off switches in the scene controlled by the remote button press. Event_Log_Don_Test.txt Event_Log_Toggle_Test.txt
  10. Unfortunately, this toggle program isn't working as well as I thought. The Yolink remote seems to be resending the command, causing the toggle to flip back to the original state. This happens at varying intervals from a few seconds up to a minute. So, it is still possible to assign two functions to one button, but a toggle function was a poor choice for an example. A better example would be choosing between two AV configurations with one button. A short press choosing one setup program, and a long press choosing another.
  11. I have a four button Yolink remote that I use to control eight different devices/scenes using short/long key presses to run different toggle programs. Today, I modified my programs to use the new Control mode with Don/Doff commands. It was a bit confusing at first but I got it to work, so I thought I'd document it for others that might want to try it. In my example, I'm using a short key press on button three to toggle a lamp in my AV room, and a long key press to toggle a ceiling light. I set button three of the Yolink remote to send Don for a short key press, and Doff for a long key press: I have master/slave programs to run the toggle programs based on the key presses. AV Lamp master is actuated by a short key press: The master program calls the slave program: Ceiling light master program is actuated by a long key press: The master program calls the slave program:
  12. In the case where auto-updating fails, is there a way to force the update without having to delete/reinstall the PM? There’s a fair amount of work involved with reinstall.
  13. I have updated the Yolink NS twice since I first installed, and both times it has displayed the new version on startup for several seconds, then displayed the old version. Today I upgraded to ver 8.41 and it reverted back to 8.2. If I delete the NS and reinstall, I get the new version, so that's my solution. I don't know much about NS updates, but aren't they supposed to happen automatically with a restart?
  14. Thanks! I was getting the sense that it was time dependent, but my testing didn't really pan out. It's more reliable when I pause between switches, but I've still seen it happen with just two on/off commands a minute apart.
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