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    Bellaire, MI

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  1. Would need a USB-DB9 adapter to go with that since the eisy doesn't have a DB9.
  2. Finally have the solution.... Was told that SmartHome in their "lack of" wisdom, used an ethernet cable for their PLMs but it's not ethernet at all, it is serial. So UDevices jerry-rigged an ethernet port on their 994 so it would accept the serial data from what looks like an ethernet cable. The solution is to buy the (total=$38) serial adapter from UD which I will do. Not happy about it but I guess the only thing I can fault UD on is that this is not blatantly stated in the instructions. Yes, they do mention that a serial PLM needs the adapter but I never bothered to check the model number of my PLM since I was looking at an ethernet cable.
  3. Agreed... I use linux as a router and provide my own DNS and time server. I have never added in a hard MAC address to assign an IP and really don't want to start now. I'm a grown-up. I think I can handle the assignments in the AC if it were possible.
  4. I think you said I should leave a ticket before I give up on the eisy. I might be blind but I've looked for a place to start a ticket and I don't see one.
  5. I've reloaded from all the reasonable backups.... but nothing has changed for controlling devices.
  6. I'm over in near Alden... Hope my expletives aren't shaking your windows......🙄
  7. yes... Just switched back to the 994 and every dealing with the PLM is fine on the 994. So it the PLM is not the problem on the eisy.
  8. I'm still stuck... Just did a factory reset and restore... everything looks good and it shows all the devices but I do not get status for each one and I can't control any device. Which means it is not talking to the PLM, which I just did a reset on. Yet the PLM works fine on the 994. This is my 4th day of trying to get the eisy going and I am about ready to consider it a lost cause. Everything looks good, but no cigar on the devices. It shouldn't be this tough to get it going. And the system busy is still cranking... forever.
  9. I never got past the busy window.... And when I was excited for getting the eisy running, it was shortlived... After loading a backup from my 994, it showed all the connections but it wasn't talking to the PLM, so no actions could occur. I'm back on the 994.... <sigh>
  10. Someone mentioned they had SSH'd into the box and were able to change the IP and port. Might try that after I make sure everything is working ok.
  11. Yup. and if you had all that, you would be able to remotely access without using their setup. Maybe that's why they shut it out.
  12. I reloaded the eisy from a backup up my 994 and now everything seems ok... even the finder window is showing the right stuff. Thanks!! I'm back in business. Now if they would only allow us minions to change the IP address and port, I'd be really happy.
  13. Hooray... that brought up the AC but nothing shows in the finder window. But maybe that's ok. I'm showing an ip addy of in the config... that's not right Not sure what to do next but will try to start up again.
  14. Tried that many times..... Still not found. The start.jnlp is bring up the IOX finder... is that correct?
  15. Well it was good while it lasted. I was on 5.3.4 with the eisy and wanted to make sure I had the latest... so I clicked on "upgrade packages" on the AC and that was all she wrote. Let it sit for a long time but now start.jnlp doesn't find the eisy. I hooked it up to a console and the box is alive but even with 20 years of linux behind me, I can't figure anyway to solve the problem. I had an awfully hard time to bring the AC the time that it did come up, so maybe I just need to fiddle with it a few more DAYS. Other than that, it is bricked.
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