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Everything posted by archean

  1. I want to have an "indicator" LED on a Keypadlinc in the master bedroom. It should show if any light in the house is left on (by being lit). I have read how to do this by using a nested IF statement for each light in the "all lights" scene. However I have hundreds of switches, is there an easier way to say: "If any light status is "on", then turn on keypadlinc B." When I go to Network in the admin panel it shows a list of all switches and their current state. Why can't I use this? (The next questions would be is there a way I can do a negative IF to ignore certain lights i might not want to follow?). Thanks for any help... I am hoping there is a function call to read this data ...
  2. I have tried both (i set up fast on controlling two lights as responders and set up fast off to adjust a scene). Fast Off - adjusting a scene was very slow (a few seconds) Fast On - controlling two other lights as responders was faster - close to a second - but no where near as fast as if they were directly linked. Oddly both worked less than 100% of the time. Even more oddly, i could see the light blinking on and off on the wall plug responder as if it was seeing Insteon data being transmitted, but the light status was not changed. I would then do fast on or fast off a few more times and eventually they would take. So two issues: speed and reliability. At the end of the day, the speed is not great (not instant) - is there way to program the responders to respond directly from the switchlinc Fast On, rather than having to go through the ISY and wait for the ISY to listen, decide and retransmit the command?
  3. i figured it out after logging in with terminal mode. Once I had changed the port for the webserver, that changed the port for the webserver and I wasnt entering the new port in the browser. Good to know that terminal mode was there, that was very easy to use.
  4. I set both http and https access to the same port. Now I can't access the ISY from a browser. I tried rebooting. Has anyone else experienced this? I would prefer not to do a hard reboot...
  5. I have 3 KPL's in the same outlet and noticed the buttons have different brightness. When I use the UDC control panel there is a brightness adjustment option, but not for the button with load. Is there a way to control the brightness of the load button?
  6. I am trying to get my Switchlinc Fast On to turn on a scene. It does not seem to do that, i have to control all the individual lights within a scene. I also noticed that when setting that up there is a noticeable delay between the Fast On and the 3 other lights turning on. Any ideas here? (note the three other lights are controlled by the Load Button on 3 separate KPL's) Thanks!
  7. Saw it in another post. We have to use the GC-100 or other method. Maybe this will change in the future?
  8. I have an ISY99IR and a Russound CAA66, but this is a more general serial port related question. I would like to use the ISY99IR serial port to send commands to the Russound (and maybe other things). I have been researching this and have a few questions which seem only vaguely touched on: 1) Can I control the output of the Serial Port on the ISY through programming? If so, how do i send commands out it? 2) I understand the ISY Serial Port CANNOT receive commands, is this true? 3) Will the Network Module allow me to command the ISY to send out serial port commands? It seems that everyone talks about using the GC100 to do any serial port commands, but i have the ISY on top of the Russound and dont want to add yet another device which needs power and cables, etc. into the mix. Thank you if anyone has any experience here. Great system!
  9. If you use JonOO's app in homeseer, it can pick up the mail for many types of events and send the signal to ISY. Havent tried that yet, but it should work.
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