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About LarryCRetired

  • Birthday 06/22/1949

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  1. I am now up and running with the Portal. Thanks so much for the quick response to the ticket I submitted yesterday. Don't realize how much you miss something until it is gone. Great job.
  2. I am now up and running with the Portal. Thanks so much for the quick response to the ticket I submitted yesterday. Don't realize how much you miss something until it is gone. Great job.
  3. Same issue this morning. Keeping fingers crossed
  4. I also obtained a new API from Weatherbit using a new email address and I am now able to get data again. I believe the old free plan allowed for 500 calls per day but don't hold me to this. The new plan allows 50 calls per day. I did contact support last week, but most likely because I am on the free plan, I did not get a response.
  5. Michel Thank you so much for helping me solve the issue I had with the Admin Console continuing to ask for my credentials and then reloading my programs. This was happening about every minute or so. You helped me troubleshoot my issue and, with your ideas and support, I was able to solve my problem. For others who may experience similar issues, I had a short power outage in June and since then I had the issue with the credentials. I had been using a surge protector to energize my ISY along with my Router. I suspected a failing ISY Power Supply at first and replaced it with one purchased from UDI. That did not solve the problem but once I removed the ISY and put it on a separate circuit. Problem solved!!! I cannot thank Michel enough for his patience and his help. I know his plate is full and I do not like to send in a trouble ticket unless I am at my wits end. In my previous life I had responsibility for Customer Service for an Electric Utility. His customer service should be written up in a book for other companies to emulate. You just don't see this level of Customer Service anymore!! Thanks again Michel.
  6. @Athlon Just completed a successful test with this format xxx-xxx-xxxx@vtext.com. Very much appreciate your help. I was not looking forward to going the pushover route even though in the long run that would be better.
  7. @Athlon Thank you so much for your research. I should have done that first before posting but to be honest, i did not think of doing that. I am in the process of testing with the individual and will respond back with the results. @hart2hart I went to pushover because the reliability was so bad with critical things in my home. However, my problem is I am working with a non-technical person some miles away. She has been using ATT and that was working for her. I am hoping we can get by with Athlon's suggestion because of the difficulty in getting her changed to something else.
  8. Does anyone know if there is the option to send a text message to someone that that has spectrum cellular. I could not find spectrum in the drop down and wondering if there is someone that partners with them for text messages. If there is not an option, I will see if I can get them to sign up for push messages. Thank you
  9. @Geddy After 2 hours of chasing my tail, I finally got this figured out thanks to you. I went back and created a new gmail account and set up two step verification. Once I did that, I was able to get the option to add the ISY. The take away here, and maybe obvious for others, is you need the two step verification set up before you get the app password screen to add the ISY and generate the code. I was at first concerned about setting up the two step verification for my original gmail account since I use that account for other things beside the ISY. I did not want to figure out how to use the two step each time I accessed my gmail on an older apple device. Maybe this is not a concern, but I thought I would just be safe. Thanks again for your help.
  10. Hoping someone can help. I just realized that my Gmail emails from the ISY are no longer working. I suspected this was going to happen as a result of the tighter security requirements that Gmail is imposing. So I setup an Outlook.com email account to use instead. Changing the email configuration in the ISY to the following gives me a "Mail server failure [TLS negotiation failed]. An internet search gave me information above my understanding. Hoping someone can help me through this. Thank You
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