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Everything posted by shovelhead

  1. As an "all access with family manager" subscriber, this is disappointing news. You certainly have the record for the most expensive app I ever purchased. I am in a new house and about to start the new build. I guess I am adding new control software to the list. Between this is the loss of Insteon, I have a lot more research to do than was expected. GL in your other projects.
  2. About 6 years into building out my smart home. Insteon and ISY are the core of it all. It has worked great and I have been a big proponent. I have not lurked the forums for quiet some time as I reached the point of zen for my system. Just finalized the sale of my house and included all the Insteon gear in the sale. Excited because the new house will be a blank slate to start fresh. Now I am finding out Insteon is no more... The disappointment settles in. Now i have to go dig through all the "Insteon vs (insert option)" posts and rethink the new build. Gonna try to look at this positively. For what it is worth, I never had a problem with any of my Insteon devices, including my PLM. It has all been rock solid for years. I did not use the hub long before jumping to ISY. I added a couple z-wave switches to feel them out. They were never as snappy and responsive as my Insteon. I do hope the tech finds a new home that keeps it in the market.
  3. Very interested in this. I do not want to control any ring equipment from ISY, but I would really like to trigger events with Ring status changes.
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