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  1. Hello, I've had a polisy for a while, but have been happy with my ISY99 - but now am starting the process to migrate my ISY to Polisy. My PG3 is version 3.1.16 and it says 3.1.18 is available. Polisy ISY is version 5.4.5. How do I upgrade? I go to Polisy ISY admin, and go to the LAN Admin Cloud. Then, Configuration -> System -> Upgrade Packages. It says to wait for 4 beeps, which I never hear. There's never a reboot, and it still shows the same versions. Am I supposed to be doing something different? I did try power cycling the Polisy after waiting for the upgrade for a while - but that didn't change anything. Sorry if I'm missing something basic in the instructions.
  2. That was it! Thanks very much. I forgot you had to do that even when there's only one ISY.
  3. Hello, I'm adding a second house to Mobilinc. In order to make it "easy", I created completely new portal account, and added my new ISY994i Pro to the new account. Portal access seems to work fine - I can get to the web page, view logs, etc. I created a new profile in Mobilinc for the new house, but I can't download the configuration. When I try, it gets stuck on "Parsing Program Status" and just times out. Screenshot of my Mobilinc controller settings is attached. I've got Google WiFi, and UPnP is enabled. Are there any other settings I need to change? ISY firmware is 4.6.2 I confirmed I can update original house just fine still. Any help is appreciated.
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