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  1. Hi Michel I have removed the IOLinc from all scenes. Only had the 2 that were set up accord to the directions from the wiki article. In looking at the sensor with the door closed it is reported as being off as it should be. If I query the sensor the status changes to on. As I said the work around that SH gave me is working if I use the status of the kpl it works fine. I have it set to shut the door after 2 minutes and it does that. It does not open the door now when the all query program runs or after a power failure. I have turned back on the Query at restart. And a restart does not open the door. I don't understand why it works right with the staus of the kpl and not the sensor but at least it is working now. Mike
  2. I have a version 36. And it is the same version as the one that was just replaced.
  3. So I had SH replace the 2410 again and the one they sent me is the same as what I had. It works right until I query the senson then the status changes to ON from off. Even though the door is closed. So I called Sh and they first told me that if it works fine manually that it was 3rd party software doing it. The ISY. I was not going to let him off that easy as I bought it from SH also I told them that you had said it was the 2410. He says no it was the ISY. Anyway he finally suggested that I set it to work on the status of the kpl button. Now it seems to work fine and a query does not open the door. However I am wondering as the way this is set up the sensor controlls the status of the kpl light. Why does it work properly this way. Seems to be it should still open the door but the query sets the staus of the sensoe on in the ISY but the kpl light is off like it should be. Looks like I have a work around but it seems like a strange way to get this working.
  4. As it was working properly I figured you just needed to add it. Just wanted to let you know.
  5. I just got a few more of these Icon On/Off Adapters from Smarthome. Each one seems to works right with the ISY but each on says it is a unsupported device:2.23. I am running the 2.7.7 beta now.
  6. I only have the one program that might impact this,. After a query the sensor sets to on even though the door is closed and should be off.
  7. Hi Michael Well after doing every thing you suggested Now when I query the sensor it report that it is on. It does not matter what the relay codition is It still comes back as on. Seems like all this equipment is fine to open and close but as soon as I get a program to close it automatically it does not work. I will call SH tomorrow and see what they have to say.
  8. Hi Michael When I query the sensor it returns the correct status. Which is on with the door closed. The relay status was off. When I queried it The status changed to ON and then it started running "Then" which in my program wait 4 miniutes and the sets the relay ON which opens the door I watched it this time and I notice the status never changed from true. Although the door was open the sensor was reporting on. Which was incorrect it should have been off as the door was wide open. I queried the sensor and the status changed to off which it should have been. The relay was reporting off as it should have been. I looked at it a little closer and I noticed that when the sensor is queried even though it reports that it is on and the relay reports off it starts running then in the program that will open the door. Is this still the iolinc causing the issue? I only have a problem if I have this progran enabled. If it is disabled the query does not open the door. I also have disabled run query on start up which sloved the power failure. But I and not sure how to make the All Scene as you suggested. Do I just make a hew scene and add all the devices other than the IOlinc. And are they all added as resopnders or controllers? Or am I trying to do this the wrong was. I would think that this query should be able to find out what the devices are. Thanks I closed the door and all it working as it is suppoed to unless I query the
  9. The one I have I just had replaced by SH last month. The admin console lists it as a V.36 The sticker on the back says it is rev 1.2. I thought this was the latest.
  10. I turned off the Query now and it did stop it from opening after a power failure or rboot. But I am a little new to this and I am not having any luck with your sugestions 1. Create an All Scene which excludes the IOLinc 2. In the Query All program, replace My Lighting with the All Scene 3. Create a new program which is run at start up and which CLOSES your garage door regardless of its state I tried To use JacquesB program But I am not having any luck with as I only have one keypad linc. His looks like it needs 2. All I want it to have the door come down if we forget to close it. I got that part working just fine but if if querys the system it starts running the program and I an not sure how to do your sugestions. Sorry I am a newbie at this. Are there any better directions for this any where? Thanks Mike
  11. yes thank you for the info. I will try this out today.
  12. I have a simple program that works to close my garage door. I am using the I/O Linc - INSTEON Garage Door Control & Status Kit Item# 74551. It is set up according to the directions and by the article on the wiki. I have a kplc inside the house and it show the status properly. I made this program to close the doo if I have left it open. If Status "Garge Door (Sensor)" is On Then Wait 4 minutes Set "garage Door (Relay)" On This works properly and closes the door. The problem I am having is if there is a power failure or I reboot the ISY99i It starts to run the then option for that program automatically and then opens the door. This would not be to bad if it would then close it but the status for the program then stays true and it never closes the door.How do I get it to stop opening the door after a reboot or before it checks after the wait how do I get it to check the door status again before it sets the relay on. I really want the door to stay closed. I don't understand why the ISY runs the program and opens it.
  13. mpf541

    reverse link

    Worked Great Thanks for the help
  14. mpf541

    reverse link

    I'm sure this has been answered but I have not found it. My Keypak link lights work fine if I use it to turn off/on a device. But Some devices I have are linked to more controllers. How do I reverse link the device so the light status is always updated. I am told I can do it with houselinc 2 but I bought an ISY99i because I wanted some of the features it has. Is it possible to do this from the ISY web page?
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