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  1. Thanks bpwwer - I think your explanation makes sense, but I may have been unclear on one point - while I do still have a couple of nodes in PG2, since they are not available in PG3, most of my nodes are PG3 for the ISY. I am not concerned about the PG2 nodes for now, as they are not critical for my programs. But 2 of the PG3 nodes are critical. So, I would like to install the PG3 nodes on IoP that were on ISY. When I restored the backup to IoP, it made it look like the nodes were installed on IoP, as they show up in the node server menu and in the device list. However, the devices have no connections, probably for the reason you gave - the internals are still addressed to the original ISY. This leaves me in a bind - I think you are saying I need to remove the nodes from the ISY and that will then free up the slots on both the ISY and the IoP. I cannot remove the nodes from the IoP, as they are unmanaged there, with no delete option. I would then need to reinstall the node servers on both ISY and IoP individually - which means I need to redo all configurations manually on both. I probably do not need to redo them on the original ISY for my situation, as once IoP is stable, I likely do not need it. That said, right now, it is my hot backup of a known working configuration of my IoP migration experiment fails, so would really prefer to leave it intact and just switch the PLM when needed. Another big downside of this approach is that all of the devices installed from the node servers that are in scenes or programs will disappear or go yellow respectively, as the device reference will be gone. This means I also need to go in and reestablish the devices in scenes and the program conditions, statuses and actions that touch these devices. The good news is that I have tried to abstract devices to one folder in my program stack and then use programs to access them - however, scenes are just broken and entries will disappear by this, so I need to document every scene that has a node device in it. This is all doable, but quite painful, manual and painstaking. And then I have a similar challenge with the Z-wave devices that also disappear from scenes and programs when migrating. Further, my automation functionality is disrupted until I can make all the changes, as nodes and z-wave are embedded in logic along with Insteon devices. I guess I need to leave a concentrated amount of time to fight through it, if this really the only answer, so I can make the transition in one fell swoop. If there is any other method that is easier, would love to know before I go through with this. And maybe this will be the last major transition until Wifi (and/or real Zigbee) gets turned on on the Polisy to talk to all the new devices supposedly coming out, so will get a break for a bit once I get through this..... Again, thanks for keeping this group informed and volunteering your insights. This community is one of the many things that make this the best smart automation around.
  2. Hello team - fantastic threads - takes some doing and tech savvy, but I was mostly able to get my older Polisy to install PG3 (which seems to have brought IoP along for the ride) and was able to restore a backup of my isy to IoP. I got Zwave to show on the menu too (it seems to needs 2 reboots of isy, which I do not see in the threads). However, I am having issues with PG3 node servers - it looks a lot like abartello's issue - except I had already moved from PG2 to PG3 on my isy, before attempting a migration. The results of that is that all of my nodes show as unmanaged under the IoP isy in PG3 Dashboard. They all look normal in isy Dashboard. Since PG3 is supposed to be able to handle 2 isys (or more), I tried selecting IoP and then restoring backup of PG3 from my isy to IoP. Nothing changes from that. Even stranger is that all the nodes show on my IoP, but they cannot connect to anything. So, slots would start at 10 (I have 9 nodes filled on the isy). How can I get PG3 to recognize 2 different ISYs? Can I migrate PG3 to PG3? If not, how can I get the ghost nodes on my IoP to go away to even install nodes fresh to IoP, even if there is ? Do I have to delete them from isy? But then isn't it as if it cannot handle 2 isys in PG3? Any help greatly appreciated.
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