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  1. Thank you, "Geddy", I've been fat dumb and happy for a long time with the system I have. I wasn't aware of the new PLMs, that was a crisis for the unlucky people whose systems were hanging by that crucial device as I recall. I guess I'll go whole hog with the eisy and get a USB PLM. I've got too much invested in Insteon switches to bail on it, nothing I've found has the functionality I want. I'm finding Insteon switches and other things to be pretty easy still on eBay, thankfully.
  2. Thank you, I'm afraid Nodeserver is greek to me, will look into that. Mobillinc does seem rather dated. What is the app on the iPhone called that allows access to the full range of features?
  3. My ISY994 works perfectly, no complaints. The only reason to upgrade to the eisy for me would be for irresistible features, and I suppose better stability and room for growth in the future. Naturally, I'm worried about encountering a major problem and wishing I hadn't undergone the major surgery. SO! 1. Is the interface for programming scenes, devices, etc. still done through the iOx Launcher Admin panel via Java? A nice new feature would be a more robust Admin panel. 2. Is the MobilLinc Pro app still usable? 3. And while I'm at it, is there a way to interface to a different PLM? I've been fortunate, my two PLMSs (two homes) are going strong, but my luck could run out. 4. Any other great features to be gained?
  4. Thanks! I didn't find anything specific in a search with respect to the VTEXT for Verizon being down, but now that I know it's truly down, and possibly no workaround, I just installed Pushover, and it is great. I suspect I'll find this useful in other situations. I just realized that you can set the Mail app to put up on alert notification whenever an email is received by a certain email address. One could have a special email address only used by the ISY. I'll have to think about this before I put forth that massive cost of $4.99 for lifetime Pushover use. Still, Pushover also integrates with multiple devices very nicely, although I can't get the notification to work yet on the Mac, I've got a support question to Pushover in for that.
  5. I use Gmail to send text messages from the ISY994 to my Verizon cell phone. Not long go, it stopped working, and found out about the Advanced Security issue at Google that required you to set up a unique password to allow an external app (like the ISY's email capability) to use Gmail as the email client, and it started working again. Within the past week, I stopped receiving texts again. I researched it, and supposedly Verizon has stopped passing through to Verizon's "2125551212@vtext.com" email to text feature. It also doesn't work with an email client on a regular computer to send a text to the vtext email address when using Gmail, but when using an alternative email address service (in my case, my office's domain name that uses Microsoft, I receive a text just fine. Is there a workaround to salvage the Gmail method? If not, what's the SMTP configuration for an alternative email address? I only have one other email, a Yahoo address, and I've tried everything and it won't work.
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