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  1. I’ve done that now. Thanks for the advice.
  2. TrojanHorse had the right idea. Thanks. I should have done a little more research myself before posting here. The IP address had indeed changed. The User Manual showed me how to find the new IP address. All is well
  3. Thanks for the reply. But no, I haven't changed routers. All equipment is the same as it was when the ISY994i was accessible.
  4. I've been using an ISY994i for a few months and it was working fine. Yesterday I accessed my MobiLinc app and found it couldn't reach any of the devices. I then tried to access the ISY994i admin console using a PC and it timed out trying to connect to the IP address. I've reset both the ISY994i and the PLM multiple times, to no avail. Is there anything else I can try? Mike
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