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Everything posted by JCPVAZ

  1. I know you put a lot of work into this, so congrats on a job well done. I only had very minor teething problems such as DST being turned back on but problems were few, minor, fairly obvious and easily remedied. Connection to the ISY with Agave seems a lot snappier now. Upgraded from 4.8 to 5.3.
  2. Thanks for the replies. My thinking was a bit narrow it seems as these responses fleshed out quite a bit more from behind my question. The ISY Launcher is great and neatly bypasses the plugin. Oracle has pledged to support Java directly into 2019 and after that things are uncertain but with the Launcher it seems UD is taking the first steps to move away from the need to interface through the products of other vendors - and that's a good thing. Thanks all.
  3. With Oracle setting a timeline for abandoning Java, possibly to the public domain or just shutting it down and with only two browsers left supporting it, what is the future of ISY regarding being able to get into it and work with it? If Java blinks out or these browsers suddenly drop Java support, we will all be pretty much SOL for doing anything with out ISY units. Is there a plan to migrate to another platform?
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