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  1. OK, a couple of updates. First of all, I do have a 994. I forgot that I upgraded a few months back... *sigh* And I reviewed all of my code and I found that I had errors in my vc2 programs. The conditions if-then were set to "status" rather than "control". I fixed them and rebooted the ISY, so time will tell if it all starts working again.
  2. I am using the ISY99i. I thought the water sensors were really meant for Insteon Hub. Are you saying that even folks that use the hub with water sensors have to go around and re-trigger all of their sensors each time there is a power failure? In other words, they are in the same situation? In my mind, yeah, the sensors are battery powered. They can't be triggered over the air in any way. They don't listen. But the sensors do send out a heartbeat once a day, every day. They don't know that the ISY has had a power failure and rebooted. They still send out the heartbeat. And the ISY should receive that heartbeat. So it seems that the issue with needing to reset the sensors after an ISY power failure is actually an issue with the ISY. Now, the issue could very well be with my coding and implementation, so I am not suggesting it is a hardware issue. I'm just saying it seems to the that the issue lies in that box somewhere. Am I missing something?
  3. That thought has crossed my mind, but I guess I was hoping there would be some clever auto-running initialization code that I could be using???
  4. Hi guys. Lat posted here in April and this program is working great.... until I have a power outage. It seems that each time my ISY99i loses power, for the next week or two I am wrestling with clearing the "2" codes on each sensor. Sometimes I have to trigger the sensor by dipping it in water, and then hit the button on top. I may have to do this for a few days before it will finally clear. I guess I thought the expected behavior was that the sensors and the code should survive an ISY reboot without any error messages or user interaction with the actual sensors. Any thoughts on what I may have missed?
  5. Not sure if you guys can help here. I use OpenHab2 for my home automation. I'd very much like to keep all of the code in OpenHab and not have some code running on the ISY and most code running in OpenHab. So I got some leak sensors the other day (4317 rev 2.6). I installed them in the ISY admin console and saw three items for each: Wet, Dry, and Heartbeat. Cool, it has a heartbeat, I thought to myself. But why both a wet and dry item??? But whatever.... Then I found this excellent thread. OK, battery powered, that means we can't poll it. Got it. Has an internal clock so it should send a heartbeat back to the ISY every 24 hours, sweet. I then set up everything in OpenHab. I tested them with some water and I got my email notifications that I also set up. But I am not getting the heartbeats. Right now I have it set up to email me at every heartbeat, just for testing. I get one email right about the time that I first started up each sensor, but then that's it. One heartbeat and then no more. But, if I reboot my ISY, then I get one more heartbeat at that same time as before, but then no heartbeats after that. So, you see, I don't think I have an OpenHab issue, but more an issue of not knowing how the sensors are supposed to work. So, do I need to reboot my ISY every night to get an proper heartbeat check each day? That seems a little excessive. I was thinking I could plug my ISY into a switchlinc, and write a program in the ISY to cycle the switchlinc each night, but that seemed kind of meta.
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