I have 57 devices installed, a combination of switchlincs, kepadlincs, lampLincs and applianceLincs.
The house is new. There is a main circuit panel on the outside of the house that feeds 4 panels inside the house. One of the panels has nothing but AC equipment another has another AC plus a few new circuits with switchlincs that I just installed.. I have 4 access points, and I believe that I have them on each phase of the main two panels inside the house.
Most of my automation works most of the time. But whenever the ISY boots or when I do a query of My Lighting. I get communication failures. A few circuits fail more than other, but if I query twice in a row, I am likely to get different results. When a device fails to communicate, I can usually turn it on and off several times from the admin console and get it communicating (for a while).
I tried moving the ISY to a different location in the house on a different circuit. No difference.
Moving the access points around has improved reliability some what.. I am down from 4 or 5 devices failing to communicate on a query of My Lighting to 1 or 2.
When I do a query on my lighting, and I get a communication failure, I can go to that device and query it individually and it will work. Right now I have a lamplinc in my bathroom that is turned on by a timer. It always turns on correctly, but often appears as a communication failure. It always responds correctly to an individual query.
I have some devices that appear to be working, but I cannot add them to a scene. I get a failure report. Often, if I wait, the device will go into the scene without a problem.
Today, I attempted to swap a switchlinc and a keypadlinc. I could wire in the switchlinc, and it would work. I could then wire in the keypadlinc, and it was not recognized by the ISY, either linking or add a new device.
So, it seems that whatever I do, it is a crap shoot. It may work, and it may not.