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Everything posted by swamp2

  1. I had a crap ton of PLM problems also over the years with Insteon. Ha, good one!
  2. Thanks much. I missed the Products>Catalog of Certified Products links needed before doing a search. Absolutely nil in those manuals, list, links on monitoring power consumption. I dug through all lines for the "Command Classes" and "Configuration Parameters". I'm beginning to think that even though when I linked to this thermostat and a separate "energy meter" Z-wave "device" showed up in my ISY menu, that this is not actually available.
  3. Thanks. Both complete dead ends. Absolutely nothing shows up at Z-Wavealliance.org and there are hits for this model from Honeywell but no manuals or documentation that help.
  4. Bump. Someone has to have figured this out... Thanks.
  5. Some extensive Google-Fu did not yield any manual covering this topic. I called Honeywell and since this is a "Pro" item I was referred to my contractor/installer for support. Well he is a complete idiot, unfortunately... There must be some Pro documentation for this unit somewhere.
  6. I was using power line networking no RF but also tried dual band just for two devices inside the box to "talk". The size of a metal enclosure is irrelevant ZERO EM radiation can penetrate a metal enclosure.
  7. Hi folks. Jut wanted to share my frustration and final decision here. Insteon sucks and I'm dropping it in favor of Z-Wave. I don't have a complex system nor home, just a handful of devices in a small single family home. I have had some fairly reliable automation with Insteon over many years but it required boosters, filterlinc and ocassionally gave me fits of problems and difficulty. When things slowly became unreliable and then stop working, trouble shooting has also been very difficult. Both the ISY team and Smarthome folks have provided some support on the issue but recently resolution just did not seem possible (and I am incredibly persistent...). I had a pool pump go from reliable, to spotty to nearly unusable. Tried some Intermatic ET-NF noise filters (multiple) as the last step and still a no-go. Whether the pool pump itself, LED lights, toothbrush chargers or whatever, the system should be rock solid reliable against these forms of interference. Based on a Z-wave whole house fan setup I added a few years back, and it being rock solid reliable, I have decided on Z-Wave Luckily the new-ish (at least to me) GE Outdoor 240V Smart Switch with antenna solved the problem of no electromagnetic signals penetrating a metal enclosure. Obviously, for all of those folks with great/easy/reliable Insteon systems, great for you (sincerely!). I simply could/would NEVER recommend this system/protocol for any one new to home automation, handy and experienced with computers/electronics or not.
  8. Hi, having some difficulty here. This is not working anything like my GE 240V Outdoor Smart Switch for the pool pump (which provides a lot of data right out of the box). All I see in the ISY Admin screen for the Energy Monitor is the attached and it is not dynamic. Is there some manual setup required? Thanks much.
  9. Any updates @pgershon ? I am having similar issues with the same pool pump (Pentair Intelliflo) as the you/OP. The difference for me is that I am controlling the pool pump with an Insteon switch (ToggleLinc). I had a nice stable system for quite some time (years). However, my pool pump off commands started being periodically, and then entirely, ignored. After a knee-jerk replacement of the ToggleLinc, Tech Support at Smarthome suggested installing a simple dual band device in the junction box with the ToggleLinc to provide both power line and RF signals to the problematic ToggleLinc. I did some preliminary testing using a Insteon Remote Control In-Line ON/Off Switch and this solution seemed to work. After purchasing a larger junction box and rewiring the entire system, I've found reliability is even worse. Now this "booster" switch (I don't need to control any other loads so it is not connected to one) as well as the other Insteon Outlet in the junction box that controls the pool light both go entirely offline when the pool pump is turned on. Might also be worth mentioning that the ToggleLinc controls a small AC relay that then turn on/off the 220V pool pump. I've heard relays can make noise as well? I did find someone who achieved some success with a Intermatic ET-NF RC Snubber Noise Filter : https://forums.indigodomo.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=7599&sid=1982e5aa4ff5f6c916677bd9992b1fd5&start=15 Thanks also @epfunke for chiming in with your expertise! This darn problem is killing me...
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