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  1. Not a problem really, I guess I can VPN for a secure connection to the prticular LAN. I have to say, I do like keeping "old" tech running (or at least not trashing it too quickly). Used a VCR the other day to digitize an "old" family movie for a friend... My thanks Paul. -Nick
  2. ISY99, remember this little beauty? I had one tucked away and thought I'd try to use it for one specific control purpose. A dedicated EISY would be overkill for this just one task. Surprise, surprise, I've come up against an IP security protocol problem. I cannot use https and also have no way to update certificates and put in a self-signed one. If anyone has a little time to help me with this (admittedly low-priority) problem I'd be most grateful. Oh yes, I am able to access the Java Admin via the ISYFinder, otherwise Java will not validate the program and I think I've disabled all security checks (I am running this on a secured, isolated LAN). Many thanks, -Nick
  3. Hi cam. I'm reviving this thread, if that's OK. I'm in the same boat, i.e. I want to configure the ISY without an Internet connection. Did you ever get this one figured out?
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