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  1. Geddy...thank you so much.....great advice...
  2. I have a large Insteon deployment that I'm migrating to eisy. I have only a hand full of z-wave (smoke detector, 4 or 5 wall plugs) and they are not included in any scenes or programs.....I was just playing/learning to use them. The instructions seem a little complex for the z-wave to eisy movements (I'm more of twice-a-year ISY end user, vs. knowledgeable expert) and so is there any harm to simply not migrating the z-waves, reset them to factory (is that possible? ) and then re-adding them to eisy when I've got that running ? ( I purchased the dongle) I had thoughts about moving to z-wave, but a number of very helpful forum posters convinced me there's still life in the Insteon/I3 platform for the next couple of years, so I don't see a near term need for z-wave migration....) Thoughts ? (Thank you in advance)
  3. Thank you everyone. Seems like the consensus is to remain Insteon/I3 and view z-wave/zigbee/Matter as interesting, but still not reliable/functional as Insteon/I3. Thank you again.
  4. I have about 100 Insteon devices on ISY994. I purchased an eisy w/zmatter dongle. My Insteon devices continue to fall (slowly) and I was wondering if the more experienced users have settled on a going-forward platform. I get eisy supports multiple worlds, and Matter is in theory 'the future,' but I'm looking for a reality view. Most of my platform is wired in wall plugs, switches, sensors. Matter still seems like it's running behind the promise, with view devices, Zigbee seems like it's go it's own set of problems, and I keep ending up at z-wave, but candidly after the rock solid, 100% connection rate of Insteon, my initial experiences with Z-wave world suggest fairly limited communication range, even with repeaters and a number of near-by devices to try to experience a fully deployed platform. Any advice for me ?
  5. Hi. Sorry for bother, can't find in wiki. I am preparing to move to eisy from ISY994. I have some older z-wave devices (mainly sensors) that don't respond. Ideally, I'd like to start clean on the eisy related to the z-wave...(I have 100+ Insteon, but just a handful of z-waves that I played w/when it looked like Insteon Inc was dead) Thank you in advance..
  6. Hi. I had a generalized internet outage (wifi, but also cell access ) recently, during which I discovered that UD Mobile was unable to log on. It could not resolve the URL name of my local ISY, and I got an error. Is there a best-practices or work around to allow the use of UD Mobile during generalized internet outages, i.e. like plugging in local IP vs. symbolic URL name etc ? Thank you in advance.
  7. Has anyone had any success interfacing a Konnected alarm panel to their ISY994 ? I've read all the various posts (mainly older) and it looks like others have explored it also. Any insight would be very much appreciated.
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