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  1. You have a config issue somewhere because I use it for quite a few automations and it's been very stable. Go back to a simple config. Have the scene contain only 1 keypad button, and make sure that button isn't assigned to any other scene to be sure nothing is conflicting. Be sure 2 linked entities are the new scene you created and the lights you want to control. You'll get it working. Sometimes it's just simple conflict somewhere. Edit: Just thought of something. Remove/Delete the Helper you created to change the switch to a light.
  2. Create an ISY scene on Eisy and add the keypad button(s) as controller(s) to that that scene. Name the ISY scene something easy to identity in HA, ex: Dinning Room KP B, or Light Scene X buttons(s). Reload the ISY integration on HA. The new scene will show up as a switch. In HA | Automations download a Blueprint called Linked-Entities. Then create a new automation using that Blueprint to link the ISY scene (KP button) and the light group.
  3. @shbatm Would it be possible to add an option in the configuration to completely ignore selected Node Servers including all devices and entities related to that node server? Maybe a drop down checkbox with a list of connected Node Servers. Example: I use the Hue Node Server in IoX so that I can use keypads to control Hue lights that can't be accomplished in HA. But I already have my Hue lights in Home Assistant directly with the native Hue integration. I don't want all these devices and their entities added in duplicate again from the NS. This just creates a huge mess. The Hue hub creates Groups for rooms, and Zones (groups of lights) so if you have 10-20 Hue lights you'll end with about 30-40 devices in the IoX NS. I don't want to have to rename them all with an ignore string, especially since IoX has limited characters for naming. Thanks for your hard work and great integration!
  4. Ah, so you experience the same behavior? At least it helps me confirm it’s not a misconfiguration issue from my side. Although I’m surprised that @shbatm wouldn’t have mentioned that what I’m experiencing is expected behavior. I dont quite grasp what you mean about using button entities instead. Aren’t Insteon keypad buttons just sensor entities in HA without any ability to control underlying devices? Oddly, before i setup the HA IoX integration I’d been using a Homebridge container with an ISY plugin (Rod Toll?) that also allowed you present native Insteon scenes as switches and behaved correctly in Apple HomeKit. You hit the ‘scene switch’ and it turned on only that specific scene without affecting other scenes that had the same devices (WatchTV and Relax). I’ve been trying to move to HA to consolidate all my hubs there as automation devices become more and more fragmented. It’s a great platform for this, but this Insteon scene issue is causing some major grief, especially with the wife who uses Homebridge most of the time. I’ve thought about using a dummy switch in HA that toggles a variable in IoX that sets a scene state, but that just seems cludgy and cumbersome for all the scenes we use. Hopefully we can come up with a better solution that works properly and improve the IoX integration.
  5. No apology my friend. Appreciate you taking the time to try to help. The world is a better place because of people like you. Thanks!
  6. @MrBill The issue is rather straightforward; 2 separate scenes containing the same Insteon devices just set to different levels for each scene, and a separate secondary keypad button set as controller for each scene. For simplicity; WatchTV set at 80% - Keypad E controller Relax set at 20% - Keypad F controller Both scenes and their corresponding keypad buttons behave correctly when the root scene is turned on in Admin Console. HA integration imports IoX scenes as switches. When the corresponding switch for WatchTV is turned ON in HA, so is the corresponding scene switch to the Relax scene which should be OFF, and vice versa.
  7. @MrBill With both scenes currently showing OFF in IoX and HA, turned on the WatchTV scene by pressing the ON button in the root of the WatchTV scene. This is what the 2 scenes look like now in IoX. In HA both scenes are turned ON.
  8. Hey, thanks for the help! They're 2 different scenes and a keypad button as controller. That was my first hunch as well, but everything seems to be set correctly at the root scene and the red node. But in HA if for example I turn on the switch for Relax, Watch TV is also turned on and vice versa. What am I missing??
  9. Glad to hear this isn't expected behavior. I'm stumped as to what's causing it. Haven't changed the secondary keypad buttons from their default. No group buttons, as far as I can tell they're all setup as default toggle. Keypad buttons and scenes were all working fine until I added the HA IoX integration. For simplicity - I see the exact same behavior with 2 simple scenes in the Den. Watch TV and Relax. I have the opposing keypad buttons added to each scene with the on level as OFF as you described. Yet if I toggle the corresponding 'scene switch' for either scene in HA, the other scene and corresponding button is also turned ON. I've attached screenshots of both scenes and the keypad settings. I must have something set incorrectly but I just don't see it.
  10. @shbatm Great job on the integration! Thank you for your hard work. I just set up the integration between Polisy (IoX) and HA. But the way it handles IoX native Insteon scenes isn't working the way I would expect, and causes major issues with my keypads. Here's a scenario to describe the issue; 3 Insteon only scenes setup in the kitchen, with a keypad button assigned as a controller for each scene. Cooking, Dining & Cleanup. All of these scenes include the same devices (insteon dimmers) for each scene, but the lighting levels are set to different levels. These scenes used to work perfectly before I added the HA integration, but now when I enable the Cooking scene, both the Dining and Cleanup scene keypads are also enabled. This shows the same behavior within the HA dashboard. All 3 scenes are imported into HA as switches as expected, but if you turn on the Cooking switch, the Dining and Cleanup switches also get enabled. I see the exact same behavior with other scenes throughout the house that have the same devices as responders. Am I doing something wrong or is this bug, or expected behavior?
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