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Everything posted by cwhite951

  1. I did upgrade to 5.3.4 last year. its possible that made things worse but I cant remember the exact time i updated vs issues. If I run a scene test I get the following fails all the devices within the scene when operated directly fine
  2. one other detail - i can successfully voice command individual devices without an acknowledgment from an echo device but if I ask of a scene I get an 'ok' but nothing happens. ?
  3. sorry, i should be more specific! I cant get the Scenes to work that are initiated by the ISY. Insteon buttons that have been programmed with a scene work fine. I can voice control induvial devices but not ISY scenes. I have reprogrammed the PLC (i have two of them) and the ISY says they are communicating fine. I cannot turn on a ISY scene via the ISY (voice or PC). The admin console reports back hte device condition and I can turn individual devises on / off from the PC - but the ISY scene dont respond and the status is wrong. So it looks (to me) like the PLM is doing some of its job. thanks for the help!
  4. deleted Java and reinstalled it - works now. This is on a brand new machine. I installed Java update but it looks like it didn't work out the first time. My journey is long and old....i set u p my ISY994 over 10 years ago and learned a lot of stuff. I have close to 100 devices with scenes, voice control and such. ran great for 10 years. last year the scenes quit working and I spent a while trying to track in down. PLM was iffy, replaced it and still had issues. too busy to go into 'self learning ' mode (im am getting old enough that I have forgot a lot of the good stuff i figured out 10 years ago). As part of the switch to the new computer I bought a new eisy and now I am migrating to that and will see what i can do about being sceneless. Getting a new machine and a new operating system makes for lots of work! so the Java thing is cured, now on to the scene issues (need the new USB PLM first!) still running on the 994.
  5. SO I'm in the middle of swapping everything over to a new computer along with Windows 11 (10 on the old one). I was having some issues with the ISY994 on the old one so I picked up an eisy to use with the new set up. I'm still running both computers and I can connect to the ISY with the old one. it looks like I can connect with the new computer but I get a Java error and cant get to the ISY launcher to work - Java error screen attached. I am not fluent in Java.....help!
  6. The scenes do not work with the UD portal, I can turn individual devices on/off but not scenes. All had been running fine for years until the PLM croaked. I restored the new PLM from the old file. if i run a scene test on the admin console i get this:
  7. tried all sorts of stuff....no joy. updated firmware, disable / enabled Alexa skill. Currently I can turn devices on and off via the mobile Alexa so there is some communications. but if I try a voice command for aa scene all i get is 'OK' from the echo device but no action from the scene. voice commands for the specific device do function. so its a voice scene command only that's flakey. seems to rule out Alexa and point to something in the ISY world. New round of suggestions?
  8. OK, I have run out of ideas and memory cells. I set up my somewhat extensive system 8 or 9 years ago with +/- 100 devices, voice commands, programs and such. Its an ISY994iZW/IR Pro. I week or so things went south and I eventually installed my new back up PLM. I now have communication with the devices but hte amazon voice control does not work. Echo's acknowledge the command but nothing happens. The 'hard coded' scenes (programed to a physical button) work fine so it seems like its just hte echo voice interface. My memory on that stuff has aged out - any pointers?
  9. so it looks like an issue with the communications coming out of the ISY. tried 2 different PLM and two cables and still get the same inability for the ISY to see the PLM. cant restore the spare PLM from the ISY via admin console. is this a known failure point for hte ISY? any other tests?
  10. back to Geddy's Qs - no changes to router or any other part of the system. The admin console says it cannot connect to any device. Firmware/UI is 4.8.0
  11. cable swap....no change
  12. i did swap the power supply, no change
  13. tried 2 PLMs and neither is detected under PLM info/status. both have green lights
  14. installed my back up PLM but it wont take the restore PLM command - 'failed resetting the PLM'
  15. looks ,like PLM is the issue, green light is on but nobody is home!
  16. I have been running my setup for close to a decade and suddenly I'm having an 'isy off line' issue. Blue power light only. reboot the isy and I get a bunch of blue lights for a short while, brief connection and then nothing (just blue power light). no communications. Its been so long since i set it up my memory is a little rusty - any advice?
  17. yeah, i saw that, thought it was funny that its been running fine for 10 years and as soon as they discontinue it my system starts acting up! I will have to look at the new stuff, 10 years is a very long time in the automation world. as long as i can port over the current programming I wouldn't have a problem updating things. Every thing is working well except my phone app (Mobilinc Pro) - it can turn things on and off but the scenes are hit and miss.
  18. OK, it all came back to life. does that still point to flakey PLM? everybody else seems to think they fail regulatory and mine is 10 years old. Appreciate the help, I was really into this stuff 10 years ago and my system has been very good. It was long enough ago that I couldn't remember the details!
  19. results from sending a scene command from my iphone
  20. it says the PLM is not connected. replaced cords to router and PLM just to rule that out, no difference.
  21. I tried to reset the PLM from the Admin Console and got this message - TCP client DNS failure [my.isy.io]
  22. I can access it but it does not connect with any devices Yes, rebooted it several times The green light is on on my PLM - based on other comments I would suspect it - its been running for 10 years! Any way to easily test the PLM? Thanks for your quick response
  23. My system just stopped working yesterday after close to 10 years of pretty much flawless operation. I can call up the ISY portal, ISY website and they all seem fine. I have rebooted all systems (ISY, router, computer, modem) just to try everything. The ISY lights up and seems to get commands but mostly sits there with the power light on. On my iPhone app I get "network error - error code 401 authentication needed" I did all the programming and set up almost 10 years ago and most of the details escape me, not looking forward to recreating a lot of automation stuff. Help?
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