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Greg P.

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  1. I DID try the clear cache business - did it both as the instructions listed as well as manually as I described above - none of it worked. The link above that refers to "admin.jnlp does not start the Admin Console" contained instructions on what to do if the icon does not show up. I followed those instructions, but also did another Upgrade Packages and then restart eisy, and now it's all good - icon has re-appeared. SO, I don't know if it was deleting the cache folder that fixed it or the latest eisy upgrade, but one way or the other, it's fixed and my icon is back. THANK YOU! @DennisC
  2. Looking for a little help.. Recently I ran the update process via Admin Console and all worked well and it moved up to 5.6. Did another update (or maybe more than 1) and ended up with the latest PG3 version as well. HOWEVER, when I recently ran IoX Launcher (MacOS Ventura), it gave me this weird error and deleted the desktop icon and now I cannot get it back. I have to use start.jnlp EVERY TIME in order to get into Admin Console (but start.jnlp DOES work every time). Any idea what the issue is? I tried giving a number of Java applications full disk access in System Settings > Privacy > Full Disk access and that did not help. I'm going to add a bit here as I tried some other stuff after writing this initially...f I opened the Java Control Panel (I'm on macOS Ventura as a reminder) and deleted all the temporary files. I then clicked on the View button to view the cached files and went about manually deleting all the files there as well (in a drop-down menu, I saw Applications, Resources, and Deleted Applications; I cleared out all three). I then also went into Advanced in the Java Control Panel and set it such that if an app wants to install shortcuts, it will always prompt me. I then downloaded a new start.jnlp as per instructions. When I ran it, it did in fact ask me if I wanted to create shortcuts and I said yes, but they still are not on the desktop. Is it possible the shortcut got put somewhere else with this latest version of Java? And for what it's worth, I also just ran Update Packages and rebooted and that did not solve anything. Also, I was able to find the IoX Launcher app inside my user directory > Library > Application Support > Oracle > Java > deployment > cache. I manually made an alias and copied it to the desktop and it works just fine but does not have the right icon.
  3. I do have an Amazon Echo plug hooked up to my eisy and I ended up remembering that AFTER I asked the question (duh). Thanks!!! And I did know about the -r option. -h is for "halt" My approach will be to use the shutdown command and THEN turn off the Amazon plug.
  4. Ok thanks! Way easier for me than running down to the basement
  5. @TRI0N - thank you for that info! QUESTION: since it's Linux powered, is there any reason I cannot do: sudo shutdown -h now (if there is/are better/safer options of 'shutdown' than '-h now' please let me know. ?
  6. YAY! Between the power cycle and hitting the Upgrade button again, and then waiting a full 30 minutes, then a reboot, I am NO LONGER getting the repeat Upgrade notifications! At this point, it feels like it's "all good" now. Can't thank you guys enough!
  7. NOTE: The power cycle also seems to have corrected a "hung" upgrade process. I was watching the logs earlier today when I ran the upgrade using the button in Admin Console and the log messages stopped at "checking for the availability of updates for libarchive..." It's gotten much further this time and is showing where it's checking repositories, etc (that was not in the prior log entries). At the moment it's been on "checking whether or not we need to reboot after upgrade" for about 2 minutes so far. The message DIRECTLY above that states that "upgrading eisy complete..." so that's good I suppose. Not sure how long it should stay on the check for reboot - if you have any idea, let me know. I will otherwise give it an hour and then do a reboot, let it come back online, then shut it down and pull the power again. QUESTION: Is there a "right" way to shut it down or is it ok to just pull the power out from under it?
  8. Ah ok thanks for that on the firmware upgrade! I saw something about that in one of the posts I read but I got the impression the upgrade was already out (I am on 5.5.9 if that's the version that fixes this). I did the full power cycle and waited 5 minutes before plugging it back in and that DID fix my login issue with PG3 - thank you once again! I'll just ignore the upgrade notices for now and if, after the next firmware upgrade, it's all still happening, I'll open a ticket with UDI so they can advise if I really just need to factory reset or if there is some other way to fix the situation.
  9. @DennisC and @TRI0N - thank you both for the assistance. Dennis, per your guidance, I will hold off on the factory reset and see if I can get the updates message to stop showing. TRI0N, the detail on what the Upgrade button does is SUPER helpful! All of that said, if I cannot get into PG3 at all, I may have no choice but to factory reset. ONLY the very first time that I tried to login did PG3 "do something" (and it complained that my username or password was wrong). I refreshed the page and tried the same login I am using for IoX Launcher/Admin Console and when I click Submit, literally nothing happens - nothing spins, etc. in the browser to indicate it's trying to load a page and I do not get any error messages about the username, and it does not advance to any other page. I am going to try powering it off now per your other guidance and I'll loop back and let you both know how this turns out. Thank you both again - very much appreciate the help!
  10. Hi All, I had not seen the notes about NOT doing a forced upgrade with SSH until AFTER I had done it. Now I'm concerned about what I may have messed up (I recently migrated from ISY994ir/Zw to eisy). Also, and I don't know if this was an issue BEFORE I did the forced upgrade, but when I try to go into PG3, I get the login screen and enter a login and click Submit and then literally nothing happens - screen does not even redraw. Wondering if the PG3 issue is related to my forced update via SSH. In the interest of a "clean" system, can someone advise how I might go about "starting over" with the eisy hardware/OS so I'm sure I have not introduced problems? Clearly the first step is to backup Z-Wave and then backup the eisy, but then what... Will the Factory Reset TRULY reset it to the way it was when I unboxed it or is it going to just reset all config files, etc. but leave the current (forced-upgraded) version of the underlying OS there? Note: I'm also hoping this solves the issue with getting notices about upgrades being needed every time I log in. I did see notes above to clear the Java cache and applications and downloading a new start.jnlp AFTER doing a full power-off (pull the power cord) so I will try that once I get the rest of this done if the issue still persists. SOOOOO, if someone can advise on whether or not Factory Reset is the best way for me to get back to the true original files/OS that was on it out of the box, I would be most grateful. And if the process is just "do backups, factory reset eisy, restore backups" that's fine but if there's something else I need to do along the way, please advise.
  11. I got this figured out. I manually updated and upgrade the packages from the command line and it's all working now.
  12. PS: I pointed a browser at,, and and in all cases, I get that server unexpectedly dropped the connection. Also, IoX launcher cannot find it even if I enter it manually.
  13. Hi, Looking for some help... I set up my new eisy and ran UD Mobile to configure it. That part went fine up front. I then came to the point where a firmware update was needed and I told it to do the update. After about 20 minutes or so, the UD Mobile app just crashed, so I relaunched it. Now, UD Mobile cannot connect to it via UD Portal. I tried entering the local connection info (and enabled access to the local network, etc. on my iPhone) as with port of 8080 and user/pass of admin/admin and it says it cannot connect to the server. I ran a port scan on the device and only port 22 is open. I was able to ssh into it with no problem and in the log files, it still seems to think it needs to update the firmware, along with a TON of other packages. I've tried to reboot from command line (sudo reboot), tried resetting network with 4 button presses, and tried rebooting both by pulling the power cord and by pressing the button 5 times and none of this seems to be working. Is there some way to re-install the firmware from the ssh command line and/or factory reset this back to out-of-box condition so I can try again? Thanks in advance, Greg
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