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Everything posted by Frozen001

  1. Anyone have a broken/non-functional 2413S/U that they are willing to part with? If so let me know.
  2. So Here is what I know of the wireing: Top of stairs: 14/2 - Power/line in (Black is line, white is neutral) 14/3 - Goes to bottom stair switch (Black was on the common, white neutral, red traveler) Bottom Stair: 14/3 - Goes to top of stairs (Black was on the common, white neutral, red traveler) 14/2 - To lights/Load At this point I have to top working only, I think I need to purchase an "Add on" Switch for the bottom/second switch. The top right now I have whites to neutral, black from 14/2 to to bottom line/load terminal, black from 14/3 to top line/load, red from 14/3 to the traveler terminal. Bottom I have whites to the neutral, blacks wire-nutted together, red to the traveler terminal of the smart switch. Top and bottom right now have these: https://www.zwaveproducts.com/collections/z-wave-in-wall-switches/products/ge-enbrighten-z-wave-plus-smart-switch-with-quickfit-simplewire-s2-and-smartstart-46201 This is showing I need the add on in the "load" location (this is also how I currently have it wired): https://byjasco.com/mwdownloads/download/link/id/2038/ As a side note I cannot get the ISY to see the switch. Instructions say I just have to turn it on or off for the controller to see it but When I try to add in ISY nothing shows up.
  3. So I picked up two GE/Enlighten Z-wave plus switches for my basement lights which are a three way. These are "threeway compatible" ZW4008 devices. The instructions did not specifically show how to wire them, so I hooked them up list tlke the existing non-smart three way switches were wired. So obviously that is not what I shoud have done. The one at the top of the stairs I can only turn the lights off, the one at the bottom of the stairs will turn it on and off. So What is the proper way to wire these? The have 4 connections Looking at back: Upper left: Line/Load Lower Left: Line/Load Upper Right: Traveler Lower Right: Neutral. Right now I have both switches wired with all 4 connected. Thanks!
  4. Thanks…. I have one room that has the top side of the plugs controlled by the switch, so when it was wired they used 14/2 to the switch so no real neutral unless I cheat and use the safety ground as the neutral.
  5. Exactly... It makes complete sense to go to a programmed MCU instead of an ASIC as it is much easier make upgrades and you have a better supply chain as for example in a PIC MCU, there are several parts with the same footprint that if one is not available, you could easily substitute the other. I did some patent searching last night and some things I noticed is that most of them are about mesh networking and other networking type of things, not about the contents of the PLM IC. There is some mention of the solutions including hardware and software. While I completely respect and understand IP, I still do not see an infringement if one were to generate a "compatible" product to just interface existing devices. From my light perusing of the patents, someone making a compatible PLM would not be infringement. I guess one question to see if the owners of the patents consider the PLM design and/or protocal something that is protected is did did third parties have to license something from Smarthome/Insteon to make controllers?
  6. Looking for an on/off switch that will work with and 994i with z-wave module….. did a search and all I see are dimmers, which I do not want.
  7. I am not a lawyer, but if one were to basically look at what comes out of the IC given certain commands on the input, and then make software for a microcontroller to mimic the same behavior, is that really a patent violation? The above linked PDF has the PL schematic, along with all the serial commands that are used with it. The IC (have not open up my PLM to actually look at the IC) could just be a preprogrammed microcontroller with Insteon's code on it. If we treat that as a black box, and walk through all the commands and see what it puts out for each command, then we independently generate our own source code to mimic the behavior, I cannot see how that would be a violation. Again I am not a lawyer, but I believe the IP would be the program within the IC, not the protocol.
  8. Actually the PLM Schematic is available, so no reverse engineering there: https://cache.insteon.com/pdf/INSTEON_Modem_Developer's_Guide_20071012a.pdf But like you said the IC is the problem child.... But with enough time that can be reverse engineered.
  9. Has anyone opened up PLM to see what is in side and if it is possible to reverse engineer it? I have one, but not sure if I want to open it up Have to look at it to see how hard it is to open up... if it is simple to get open with out damage I probably could reverse engineer it, but if it has something programmable inside it it may be a non-starter without some sort of source code or some extensive testing to get it operating as the legacy will be the hard part.
  10. Yea I plan on working through that thread tonight. I do have a PLM, but WOW these are going for insane prices on ebay right now... one is $1100 right now. Maybe I should sell it! and start over haha.
  11. So I got a surprise when we came back form vacation and suddenly all my insteon devices did not work and I had a red LED on my HUB. A quick view here and I am not aware of what happened, so I am here to see what my path forward is as I am sure many of are. I actually have an ISY994i that I never got fully up and running, so I am leaning toward that path. I have slowly been going toward Wyze for my cameras...so my one remaining I am already set to replace. So for switches only have 8 Insteon either on/off or dimming, I assume I can just move over to the ISY994i, but is that easy to get up and running with Alexa? I was planning on adding more switches this year, so what are my options now that will integrate with the ISY device? I also have a Chamberlin Garage door that if I could get integrated would be even better.
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