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  1. Google Home is not working for me. I tried to send my spoken to Google, just to see if there was any communication happening there, and received this message "Error sending your spokens. Is Google Home linked with this user profile (xxxxxxx@gmail.com)"
  2. Same issue for me.
  3. I moved about a year ago and bought a new ISY for the new house. I got everything set up initially, but haven't logged in for months. I went to add a new device, and first the launcher wouldn't find the ISY. Fine, I went onto my portal, go the URL for it (verified that I'm looking at the new ISY, and that the old one from the old house is no longer on my portal) and used that to find the ISY in the launcher. Then I couldn't get the login information right. I tried every combination I could think of. So I followed the reset password instructions. No luck. Tried 2 more times, no luck. Finally threw my hands in the air and did a factory reset. Still cannot log in. Used the portal to get to web access of the ISY, and all my devices and programs are gone, so factory reset must have worked. But still, admin / admin won't log in. WTF is going on here. I'm losing my mind.
  4. We have some lamps in the house that I’d like to automate. However, my wife wants to control them with the manual switches. my thought was that I can do this with a micro dimmer. I can run a 4 conductor wire out from the box. 2 wires - hot and neutral- bypass the switch and wire directly to the fixture leads. The other two wires go from the sense wires to the switch. My question is: how to I come out of the wall box with the 4 conductor wire and no plug? Anyone ever seen anything like this?
  5. Find a spot inside to interrupt the wiring going out to the lamp post. Install a new box with a remote on / off switch. Pull new wiring from the new box to the lamp, but add a red wire. Red wire goes to load side of of new switch, and goes to hot terminal of switched outlet. Neutrals go where they need to go, and hot goes to the hot terminal of the lamp. Now you can program that outlet using the switch you installed, and also control it manually there.
  6. Thanks!
  7. Haha no McMansion. Moving from a condo to a SFH. New house is 1,800 SF Cape Cod built in 1940, so nothing crazy but I like old houses, it's got a beautiful brick exterior, and ton's of "character" inside. of course, that character comes with it's own set of problems, so I'll have lots of projects to take on and most of them will be a lot harder than in the condo. I'll get a new ISY system eventually and have a lot more things to put onto it, but there are some higher priorities that needs to get addressed before I spend a few grand on automation.
  8. Thanks! I did find the ticket system after making my post and submitted a ticket. I don't know the buyers, but for some reason I get the feeling that the husband is interested in it (20 something guy buying his first home). I did put together a document with links to the wiki, the forum, and the UD website, as well as the new login / password information I put in. I also renamed all devices to be generic (some had names of people in the device name), and deleted some of the odd-ball custom programs I had written.
  9. I'm selling my house, and they ISY will remain with the property. I'm just hoping for some community input to make sure I do everything necessary to divorce the system from my personal information. Any suggestions?
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