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Everything posted by Tom

  1. I am using chrome to access the admin console in my ISY994i. I have done this successfully for some time. Now i get a message indicating that the Java applet is no longer supported, I am running Windows 8.1, Java 8.0.45, chrome 43.0.2357.81 m and ISY firmware and U v.4.2.15 Google has disabled the flag for support of NPAPI. By re-enabling this flag (chrome://flags/#enable-npapi) it works BUT Google plans to remove all support for NPAPI later this year. At this time are all chrome users just out of luck. Does Universal Devices have some plan to allow accress to the admin console without the Java applet. Thanks Tom
  2. I am also having some trouble with a recently purchased Venstar themostat. Mine is a 2491T7E. Purchased from Smarthome on 5/22/2012. After adding it to the ISY99 I see only 1 device. The current temperature etc. does not update without polling the thermostat. I am using it with HomeSeer with the ISY plugin. The firmware in my ISY99 is 3.2.6. Will UDI be able to release a newer firmware to support this Tstat better or will I need to setup polling from HomeSeer? Thanks Tom
  3. I apologies if this has already been answered but I have searched and cannot find an answer. I am using the ISY99 with Homeseer. Works great for all my lights etc. (over 100 devices) Recently I added 2 MorningLinc modules to lock/unlock 2 Morning Industry deadbolt locks. I had some problems adding them. I do NOT have them in a scene. I can lock and unlock them from the ISY UI and from HomeSeer. My problem is that every time I toggle them I get an error. The lock does toggle. The error appears in the HomeSeer log but appears to be coming from the ISY99. The error is: ISY internal error category TYPE_ACCESS_CONTROL string conversion not defined. Software version 2.8.16 Any ideas what is causing this? Thanks Tom
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