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  1. That was it! I clicked the Save Changes button in the Program Details tab and they all saved and all seem to be back to normal. Many thanks for your help. -Tom
  2. Yes, I noticed that "not saved" in the status field but didn't know what it meant. I didn't see anything in the update instructions on re-saving anything. Or I missed that if it was in there.. Definitely (100% sure) the UI and firmware are the same version. There is no yellow in the summary. I checked for that immediately after the update while disabling a few programs that got re-enabled in the update. -Tom PS: I guess the last part of this instruction could be interpreted as re-save: "Please ensure your device nodes and programs are correct; in some cases you may need to update them."
  3. I did clear the cache after the update and did verify UI and firmware match. I will try your suggestion of saving each program again this eve. Thanks, -Tom
  4. Yes, I see that it is now that I checked my Programs! These programs are enabled so not sure why they aren't working...
  5. Im having some strange SwitchLinc behaviors after my update to 5.3.4. I have 2 SwitchLincs (call them east and west) that operates my entry lights. A physical single tap on either one turns on/of the lights (this is working). A double tap on the west one turned on/off my driveway lights before the update, now not working. Not sure if double-tap ever worked on the east one as I wouldn't normally do it from that location. But in any case that isn't working there either if it did. Also, when I go into the admin onsole and use software to control the switches, east works to turn on/off entry lights. But west goes on (I hear relay and leds indicate on) but the lights don't actually come on, and the east switch leds don't change state (which they use to do to indicate on). At first I thought it was just this one set of switches, but I also have one in my lower level that double tap would turn on lights in an outbuilding. That too seems to not be working. Is there a way in the ISY to tell if this behavior is programmed? Or to re-program it? I think I programmed these switches manually when I installed them so many years ago, but I would not sear to that, too long ago. Oh, and I ran Restore Devices in the console, but that didn't help the situation. -Tom
  6. Ok, thanks to both of you. I don't really need more than one user, just habit. I must have changed the admin user name to one of my own last time. -Tom
  7. Geddy, Thanks that was it! One other question. It appears to have removed my userid. Did it always have 9 users you were able to define? I don't recall that before. Also, when I enter my name and set a password, it prompts me if I want to change the password for my new user. I say yes and the prompt goes away. But it doesn't seem to be creating that user. If I go look at user1 again the fields are blank and it doesn't let me log in with the values I just set. I can, of course, get back in with Admin and my newly set admin password... -Tom
  8. I updated to 5.3.4 followig the instructions on the 5.3.4 Current Release thread as well as advice in the thread below. The update seemed to go fine but when I cleared my java cash, follow the link for the new admin console and try to log in it says Failed Retry Authenticating My Lighting. I know I am entering the correct userid and password. What can I do? -Tom
  9. Interesting. I have two versions of the leak sensors: 2852-222 v.41 and 2852-222 v.00 I left all 4 of them in the "wet on" mode after testing and all of them reset themselves back to "dry on" ("wet off") by themselves. I didn't reset them or do anything other than setting them back down on the floor... -Tom
  10. Yes, Insteon leak sensors. Thanks! Out of curiosity, if I leave the mode in the wet position, it will clear itself at some point yes? -Tom
  11. I recently upgraded my ISY to 4.9. Unbeknownst to me the previous version (which I had been running for a very long time) default smtp server apparently didn’t work and I was not getting notifications. Once I upgraded to 4.9 I got notifications of missed heartbeats on 4 of my leak sensors. I figured it was batteries since they have been in place for many years. I replaced the batteries yesterday afternoon and figured that would solve the issue. It didn’t. I got missed heartbeats again this morning. Checked contacts, etc when changing batteries so I’m pretty sure all that is fine. My question is what is a quick and easy way to see if the leak sensors are still working? -Tom
  12. 4.9 was indeed uneventful. Will do the next step when I have time to troubleshoot any issues (just in case any arise). Thanks again, -Tom
  13. Many thanks for the reply! I do not have any Z-wave and don't see a Z-wave menu item. I updated to the 994 when they first came out and were discontinuing the older hardware. I don't think Z-wave was an option at the time, or I didn't want to use it so didn't get that option anyway. So do I go to 5.3.4 or to 5.0.16C? I don't think I am using "Adjust scene" in any of my programs, but I did copy all the programs so I have them and will take a look. -Tom
  14. My ISY994 is on 4.8.0 and it's been a long while since I've done anything with it. It is telling me that 4.9.0 is available to upgrade to. Should I do that? I see that 5.3.4 (I think) is out and just wondering if I should just skip 4.9.0 and go to 5.x? I see that upgrading to 5.x will require some tweaking of programs and things so I will put it off until I have time to fully understand the steps and be able to fix things that break. I don't have z-wave and am not really doing anything new but I usually don't like to get too far behind the latest release. -Tom
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