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  1. Hello Gents, discovering that the cell phone text notifications no longer work real time, sometimes taking 12 - 24 hours. Not good when it's attached to a home water leak detector. Trying to utilize the Polyglot notifications outlined in the Notifications For Dummies link above. However, the YouTube video referenced in the file doesn't seem to exist anymore (Push Notifications setup from UD Mobile). Also, couldn't seem to find the Notifications Plugin referenced in the Dummies file as well. Maybe it's in the video, but couldn't find it in the Polyglot plugin store. Appreciate the help. Notifications for Dummies.pdf 1.08 MB ยท 3 downloads
  2. Thank you bpwwer. Much appreciated.
  3. Can someone provide a description of the Log categories... Critical, Error, etc? Thank you.
  4. I have been using Agave for several years. Works great. Today, it denied me access and wants purchase. I did ($5.99) but access still denied. Restore does not help. Can anybody explain or help? Thanks.
  5. Argilos

    Outdoor dimmer?

    Does anyone know why the Insteon In Line Dimmer 2475DA1 is not available from anyone anymore?
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