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Everything posted by pwmcmaho

  1. Thanks @IndyMike @paulbates !!! After poking around a bit more, I decided to do a restore from my most recent backup ... then did a restore of all the devices. Added back in the few that were newer than the latest backup. Now I see a lot more items in the PLM Links Table (80+) and also am seeing appropriate traffic communications across the network during events and switch/button interactions. AND most importantly, the programs are triggering as expected based on the PLM seeing the event triggers. Thanks!!! (and I did a full backup to keep it fresh!)
  2. It's wild ... I picked a wired KPL and did a restore device and watched the Event Viewer log run through the restoration ... and then when it was done, cleared the viewer and when pushing any of the buttons on the KPL, there is no activity ... Here is a shot showing the full PLM Links Table, a compare of that KPL ... and then the event viewer ... it was showing activity when I ran the "start" for each of the links table and the compare ... and then I cleared it and pushed the buttons on the KPL ... on, off, fast on, fast off, etc. That KPL is linked to three other hardwired devices and a no-load switch (for virtual 3-way) ... but there is not events showing for any of them ... hmm.....
  3. Yuppers on that one ... Did a full reset on the PLM before starting just to make sure it was clear...
  4. PLM Info/Status When I go to the IOX Links Table it wants me to chose a device: Not sure if that is what is expected or how to proceed there. As for backups ... I have a couple of older ones (from end of last year) ... which would be close to relevant, minus a few new devices I've added... Do you think doing a Restore IOX would be worth a shot? The only other thing I did last night, just to make sure all the cards are on the table was to do a "restore devices" just to make sure they were all clean ... (hoping that didn't create the problem or make it worse) ... Thanks!
  5. I believe I did replace when I started up from scratch, however, upon looking this morning, I don't actually see a "replace" option. Sadly, I don't have the old PLM, it was sent to Insteon on RMA and then they sent me a new one ... Just for completeness, here is the About on the controller, firmware versions I'm using ...
  6. I see the PLM links table, but not an ISY links option ... PLM Links Table.v5.8.4__Wed 2025.01.22 08.08.40.xml
  7. Had a PLM that bit the dust, and got a replacement ... factory reset to be clean and then did the traditional restore. twice... Am having trouble with a program that is supposed to be triggered by a combo of a variable value and switch action (aka the "keep the nighttime lights on even when you turn some of them off via another program") ... sorry for the sarcasm this evening ... Anyhow, tried troubleshooting for a bit and decided to pop into the event view to watch the coms ... and then I noticed that the event viewer is empty ... at logging level 3 it is not showing anything when buttons on remotes are pressed, KPL or switches or ... completely dumbfounded ... or maybe not enough sleep. Thoughts? Thanks!
  8. All interesting ideas ... Thanks! Currently I am using @dbwarner5 option 1 ... which does work ... I do include a random repeat of 2-4 times just to give some backup in case a message gets lost. @Guy Lavoie - that is an interesting idea ... basically the challenge with building programs is that while you might take an action based on an event, other actions can unintentionally interfere with the intended desire of the original program (e.g. keep a collection of lights on during a period of time) ... @larryllix - That is an interesting idea ... and I might do that one ... my hesitation is that I will need to create one of those programs for each device AND each program to ensure that all the programs are covered ... Might be a little bit easier to go for the MASSIVE if statement that @dbwarner5 suggested ... hmmm..
  9. As the subject says, is there anyway to have any off event to any insteon device trigger the if condition logic of a program? TLDR: I have a nighttime program that runs and turns on some lights ... however, I need to trap when any of those lights are turned off, either by themselves or through other programs and then turn them back on. Currently I use a variable to keep track of the nighttime status and then a big ol nasty OR blob for a bunch of the devices that are most likely to turn one of the devices in the nighttime scene off ... but that can be a bit much to manage... so looking for something easy. Thanks!
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