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  1. I purchased my EISY years ago and just recently tried to install on my LAN. The old ISY994 controls my various Insteon devices flawlessly, even now. I am a complete non geek and have spent days trying to get the eisy working. The power light is on, but neither my router nor using command line arp -a finds the eisy. I would like to start the whole thing over by resetting eisy to factory defaults and migrate my insteon scenes from the old isy to the new eisy. I have read the wiki content and multiple forums and I am now completely confused. I have installed Java, cleared the caches, etc and the launcher still can't find the eisy. The mobile ap indicates the eisy is disconnected. I have tried resetting the eisy using different methods with no luck. If possible can any kind person take pity on this old non geek and, in English, help me out. Please, no flaming
  2. Thank you everyone for taking the time to reply! I apologize for the late reply - sometimes real life interferes with plans. The first thing anyone with computer devices learns is to cut power and reboot. Techman's solution took care of the problem. My only excuse for not trying the most elementary step is... I guess I don't have one... To answer Brian H's question, yes the PLM , ISY, and Starlink router are all on the same electrical line. I do like the idea of seperating them from the same source and will think about that for a bit. Thanks again
  3. I have had an ISY994i for many years to contol all my Insteon devices. Just switched from horrible DSL to Starlink and when loging into admin console, PLM is recognized but now I have lost all connections to devices (error: "check connections"). Is this a Starlink issue because of the Starlink router? Any help would be greatly appreciated (not super technical please - )
  4. Thanks for the reply. Yes, I can turn them on and off from the console. As suggested, I have created a scene with both outlets of the receptacle as responders. To control the scene, do I then call it up under programs?
  5. I apologize and thank you for your patience... Nook Center Recepticles - [ID 0007][Parent 0001] If From 3:30:00PM To 9:00:00PM (same day) Then Set 'Nook Center Recepticle.1 On-O' On Set 'Nook Center Recepticle.2 On-O' On Else Set 'Nook Center Recepticle.1 On-O' Off Set 'Nook Center Recepticle.2 On-O' Off
  6. Sorry, I'm really a newbie... Is this what you wanted? <?xml version="1.0" ?><triggers><d2d><trigger><id>9</id><name>Nook Center Recepticles Copy</name><parent>1</parent><if><and /><schedule><from><time>55800</time></from><to><time>75600</time></to></schedule></if><then><device><node>52 C0 22 1</node><control>DON</control></device><device><node>52 C0 22 2</node><control>DON</control></device></then><else><device><node>52 C0 22 1</node><control>DOF</control><action>0</action></device><device><node>52 C0 22 2</node><control>DOF</control><action>0</action></device></else><comment></comment></trigger></d2d></triggers>
  7. Hi All I have an Insteon receptacle which I would like to turn on and off via a program: This does not work and I don’t understand why. Please help me understand my error(s)… Thanks
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