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Everything posted by thrang

  1. After more trial and error, I got the device issue figured out - for whatever reasons, keeping all devices not hidden showed nothing. I had set HIDDEN as a Device Availability as a default, then expressly INCLUDE filtered items (so far, I've chosen three names Kitchen, Dining Room, Exterior, which are in the names of several devices), and then they appeared. I assume there's something in there that was causing it to chose and prevent all from showing, and perhaps I'll stumble across it as I add more devices. Would be nice if there was a way to load the manifest of all devices, and then you could check off what you wanted to include from a single interface. Still great job on this and thank you For the Ring plug in, I can't seem to get the Doorbell itself to activate a Home notification. That's something else to work on for me...
  2. I also tried installing on Mac OS X instead of the Raspberry PI - same thing.., all is set up but no accessories for the ISY devices. I added a Ring Plug in, and that works - I see the Ring video in the Home app This is my config: bridge": { "name": "Homebridge AEF5", "username": "xxxxxxxxx", "port": 51756, "pin": "xxxxxxxx" }, "accessories": [], "platforms": [ { "name": "Config", "port": 8581, "platform": "config" }, { "name": "ISY", "host": "", "useHttps": false, "username": "xxxxxx", "password": "xxxxxx", "deviceNaming": { "format": "${location ?? folder} ${spokenName ?? name}" }, "deviceDefaults": { "exclude": false }, "devices": [ { "exclude": false } ], "platform": "ISY" }, { "refreshToken": "xxxxxx", "platform": "Ring" } ] }
  3. I installed Homebridge as described in the second post (though it seems HomeBridge ISY is the latest branch by pmouli from a month or so ago, replacing the version referenced in your 2018 post - https://github.com/pradeepmouli/homebridge-isy-js I configured Homebridge ISY with the credentials to my ISY 9941, and I see a long log list on the main page of Honebridge with my devices, referencing activity ready from the ISY. I dont have device list filtering in the settings... I updated the Config UI X as prompted as well. I can log into the Raspberry Pi no issues, and I added the Homebridge as an accessory to Home (iOS notes it as an unsupported bridge) But in the Home app or Homebridge,, I dont see any devices at all - not sure how to add/see the Insteon devices I have running (about 60 in all) I'm sure I'm an idiot here - any ideas? Thanks
  4. ok, got this mostly worked out - i wasn't using the the correct admins console it seems. I updated the programs, but there are two anomalies... one still shows the green arrow and won't update (status NOT SAVED) Another still shows the yellow icon (NOT LOADED/OUT OF MEMORY) Do I have to re-create these, or is this fixable? Thanks
  5. Upgraded without a hitch, but none of my programs work. I know the instructions say you may need to "update" your programs, but not sure what this means - I went through and re-saved each one, but when I run the "then" option to test the action, nothing. I also create a new program to test, and that doesn't work either. The individual devices work and respond accordingly, and I did write updates to the devices in case that mattered... I searched, as I assume I'm not the only one here with the issue... any advice? Thanks EDIT - when I look at the Status screen, all the programs say NOT LOADED under Activity and OUT OF MEMORY under Status...
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