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  1. Thanks! I will give it a try.
  2. Some background. I have a cistern...and it was always a guess as to how much water I had left before calling a truck. So I bought a water meter, tied it into my ELK as a sensor. Everytime ELK detects a violation, its 1 litre. I have tied a relay for my water pump into the ELK so that I can turn it on off (this is fun when the kids use to much water). haha. or mass leak is detected by water volume. So I had always counted up...but today, I thought I just want to know how many liters left...not just what I have used for the month. So I just added the one new variable (water_Remaining). Meter Output - [ID 0010][Parent 000E] If Elk Zone 'Water Meter' is Violated Then $Water_meter_daily += 1 $Water_meter_Monthly += 1 $Water_Meter_Output += 1 $Water_Remaining -= 1 $Water_meter_Monthly Init To $Water_meter_Monthly $Water_meter_daily Init To $Water_meter_daily Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Here is what I found....out. If I click in the variable to make it the number I want....without pressing enter....it blanks back to 0. I didn't know you had to press enter. ( I would just click outside the box) But the issue where it would blank out the actual number, return 0 and start going into the negatives was resolved by restarting the ISY. That seemed to fix that glitch. While everything is now working....seems kinda weird. Thanks kevin
  3. Anyone had issues with Variables? I can't update a variable manually in state and integer ....however I can do it through ekeypad or through a program...or if I press the little up and down arrow. I also want to subtract "-=" from a number 13000. All it does it reset to 0 and go into negative numbers. Thanks Kevin
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