Some background.
I have a cistern...and it was always a guess as to how much water I had left before calling a truck. So I bought a water meter, tied it into my ELK as a sensor. Everytime ELK detects a violation, its 1 litre. I have tied a relay for my water pump into the ELK so that I can turn it on off (this is fun when the kids use to much water). haha. or mass leak is detected by water volume.
So I had always counted up...but today, I thought I just want to know how many liters left...not just what I have used for the month. So I just added the one new variable (water_Remaining).
Meter Output - [ID 0010][Parent 000E]
Elk Zone 'Water Meter' is Violated
$Water_meter_daily += 1
$Water_meter_Monthly += 1
$Water_Meter_Output += 1
$Water_Remaining -= 1
$Water_meter_Monthly Init To $Water_meter_Monthly
$Water_meter_daily Init To $Water_meter_daily
- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
Here is what I found....out. If I click in the variable to make it the number I want....without pressing blanks back to 0. I didn't know you had to press enter. ( I would just click outside the box)
But the issue where it would blank out the actual number, return 0 and start going into the negatives was resolved by restarting the ISY. That seemed to fix that glitch.
While everything is now working....seems kinda weird.