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Everything posted by Techowl

  1. I tried all the variations in an attempt to make it work, but it just would not go. It wouldn't surprise me if they changed the security as it seems that anyone can use the server to send spam emails at will. The settings you saw were the ones that used to work for me, until about 2 weeks ago,
  2. I found a solution. I believe that Bell Aliant has turned off SMTP connections to the mail server from older devices. After finding an old listing in the group, I set up an extra Google Gmail account just for ISY994 use. I activated the 2 step verification successfully, but I could not find the "APP Passwords" It turns out that Google has moved or hidden it. It is now at https://myaccount.google.com/apppasswords You have to jump through a few hoops, but once you get that magic code it works great! The very useful wiki info can be found here; https://wiki.universal-devices.com/ISY994:Configure_Mail_Server_Settings#Configuring_gmail_Account
  3. It seems the program no longer sends email to my bellaliant SMTP server. No message is given, the emails just do not arrive. I have noticed that the unit just gives a quick flash of the blue LED, and as I recall it use the flash for several seconds when sending the email out. Running version 4.9.0 software, That Key Captcha thing is borked. Most images are cropped so you cannot tell what they are.
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