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Everything posted by brklaas1

  1. Spent some more time on it this morning. Rewriting to capture steps more clearly I have had three devices in this location - KPL #1 - Orig KPL (when KPL first came out, years old) KPL #2 - Dual Band KPL (about a month old) KPL #3 - Replacement Dual Band KPL (same firmware rev as KPL #2) KPL #1 died no lights, no nothing and was replaced. Replacement procedure was to put in KPL #2, do a full reset, and replace device with ISY. KPL #2 worked for a few weeks. PLM died (ISY reported safe mode). Replaced Dual Band ISY with old single band one (ordered new dual band). All was working for a few days... KPL #2 stopped working - wouldn't communicate with anything, not even ISY. Did factory reset. It would communicate with ISY. Did restore device from ISY and it wouldn't control or respond to any other switches. Installed KPL #3 with "replace device in ISY". KPL #3 wouldn't communicate with anything except ISY either. Tried factory reset and replace device. Didn't try to manually link it to anything. Deleted the device from ISY and added all the links back manually. So, now everything is working again and this is where I sent my initial post of this thread. This morning I took KPL #2, did a factory reset, added to ISY, and started adding links and it is working fine. So I have to assume somewhere along the lines (either moving from single to dual band KPL or when the PLM was dying) the programming of the KPL was corrupted and kept getting written back corrupted into the KPL when I tried to restore device from the ISY.
  2. I had a system that was working great... Then I purchased a Dual Band KPL. This forced me to upgrade to the ISY-994i. A few weeks ago, one of my old KPLs stopped working (no lights at all). I replaced it with a Dual Band KPL (with replace device). It acted strange, so I did a restore device and it worked fine. Step forward another week and my 2413S failed (ISY said started in safe mode). I replaced that and and did restore PLM. Now my new replacement dual band KPL stopped working properly. Lights worked, but wouldn't communicate with anything and the ISY couldn't see it. So I replaced it with a new dual band KPL with replace device option. That new KPL was a bit better. The ISY could communicate with it (no errors), but the KPL wasn't controlling anything and the state wasn't changing when I triggered it witl the ISY. So... I reset the replacement KPL. Removed it from the ISY. Added it back to the ISY. Added all the links back manually, and it works now. Are there additional pieces of non-visable info that are restored that may cause problems? I have had the system running for years without problems until a month ago. Though many firmware revisions, device revisions, etc. At some point do I just need to start over or are there other ways to clear out any extra info.
  3. I have tried a few solutions - all do require much programming. How do I check the value of a switch in an IF? Not checking for change, etc. Just current state?
  4. Thanks. It would be nice if there was a way to represent 1/2 links - perhaps in a single device view or something. My problem does appear to be resolved by doing the full reset thingy.
  5. How would I code a program to cut the lights that are ON (or above 80%) to 80%? And call it from another program so I can determine what would trigger it - either a time, button push, etc.?
  6. As long as all links that are preserved show up in the GUI (even if to an unknown device), then I can't see any issue?
  7. If there can be spurious links that the ISY read from the device which it stores, wouldn't they show up in the ISY interface? If they don't, is that something that can be addressed in a future release? I do agree on the X10 problem... have noticed that in the past as well.
  8. Ok - so the advice appears to be that the switch has old links in it and it is responding to something else on the network?? (which is a possibility, been moving around smartlincs and other stuff). It hasn't turned off recently, but I also never figured out the pattern (if there was one). Question - Why wouldn't restoring the device resolve it? Or even factory reset and restoring the device from the ISY? Is the ISY saving links that would be put back that it isn't showing? -BK
  9. I will give that a try. Question though - pulling out the set button doesn't result in the switch turning off. Can I emulate the same by disconnecting the switch from power and holding in the set button when reconnecting? It seams to do the right thing based on the light flashing.
  10. I have a switch that is spontaniously turning itself off and not telling anyone about the changed status. Configuration is two controllers linked in a scene 1) Icon Switch - Icon Relay in attic 2) Keypadlinc (Button D) Problem - Sometimes the icon switch turns itself off. It doesn't seam to notify anyone. Status in the ISY still shows on until I query the switch again and then it shows off. Goal - To have a program query the status of the switch every 20 minutes if the keypadlinc button d is on. If it finds the switch off, notify me in email (hopefully I can figure out what is causing the problem) and turn the switch back on (so wife stays happy).
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