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Everything posted by peterskajr

  1. @JTsao, thanks for the instructions. It fixed my issue as well!
  2. I am seeing the exact same issues, even using different browsers.
  3. It's working now. Thanks so much for your help in getting the indoor sensor data added!!!
  4. @bpwwer, thanks for taking the time to try and include the indoor temperature node. I reinstalled, enabled the Indoor temperature option, stopped and restarted the node, and it did create the indoor temperature node. However, the indoor temperature did not populate with data. When I looked at the logs in PGC, I noticed some errors below. Since my PWS only provides tempf, tempinf, dewpoint, and humidity, I wonder if this is what is causing the errors and preventing the indoor temperature from displaying? 2019-11-30 15:08:46,455 [Controller] [INFO ] {'dateutc': 1575126300000, 'tempf': 47.3, 'humidity': 67, 'tempinf': 62.6, 'dewPoint': 36.91, 'date': '2019-11-30T15:05:00.000Z'} 2019-11-30 15:08:46,456 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver temperature - ST: 47.3 uom: 17 2019-11-30 15:08:46,456 [Controller] [ERROR] Missing data: feelsLike 2019-11-30 15:08:46,456 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver temperature - GV1: 36.91 uom: 17 2019-11-30 15:08:46,457 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver humidity - ST: 67 uom: 22 2019-11-30 15:08:46,457 [Controller] [ERROR] Missing data: baromabsin 2019-11-30 15:08:46,457 [Controller] [ERROR] Missing data: baromrelin 2019-11-30 15:08:46,459 [Controller] [ERROR] Exception in thread Controller: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 917, in _bootstrap_inner self.run() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 865, in run self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pgc_interface/pgc_interface.py", line 797, in _parseInput self.longPoll() File "./ambient-poly.py", line 160, in longPoll trend = self.nodes[node].updateTrend(d['baromabsin']) KeyError: 'baromabsin'
  5. @bpwwer, I've reinstalled your node server and I can confirm the issue you noted with seeing both °C and °F in the drop down list for temperatures.
  6. @simplextech, I'm using just a simple weather station, WS-0262A. It just measures outdoor temperature, indoor temperature, and humidity, but it does push those values to ambientweather.net. When I installed your node server, it appeared to get my correct device info, but when I looked at the node server logs, it looks like it starts to error our on I believe it was solar radiation (I've removed the node server since it didn't return any data). I can reinstall your node server if you would like more info.
  7. Bob, thanks for the update. When I get a chance, I will reinstall the node server and see how it reacts. I've tried the node server from @simplextech and I don't get any returned values. I have a very simple weather station at this time (just outdoor and indoor temperature and humidty). The one thing that I liked about the one from @simplextech is it did at least include a field for indoor temperature. What I am essentially trying to do is turn on/off a ceiling fan based on the indoor temperature reading from my weather station. Been playing around with IFTTT and webhooks but it doesn't seem to be very reliable to get the indoor temperature value to populate a State Variable in my ISY setup.
  8. Bob, Thanks for the response. What is odd is the node server shows the temperatures in °F in the node screen, it's just when I want to use the node servers as a condition in a program does it show up as °C.
  9. I have the AmbientPoly node installed via the Polyglot cloud and it is displaying information correctly in US units (i.e., Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit). However, when I try to use the AmbientPoly data (Temperature, Wind, Precipitation) as a Status in a Condition as part of a Program, the units that are displayed are Metric (i.e., Temperature in degrees Celsius, Wind in km/hr, Precipitation in.mm/hr). Is there a setting somewhere that can be used to have the values be US values when using this data as a Condition of a Program.
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