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  1. I did some searching and can't really find the answer I am looking for. I used to have some Fanlinc devices but went away from them after 2 of them died on me. I moved over to Bond controller for my current fans and have had no issues. I recently moved and my wife decided she likes having bedroom light dimmers. Does the Bond units work as dimmers for the lights using the 6 button wall controls?
  2. A few years back I had Fanlinc controllers on all of my fans. Over time I had a lot of issues with them going bad and would replace them. Eventually I got rid of them and moved over to Bond WiFi fan controllers. My question is, have Fanlinc controllers gotten more stable over the past couple of years or are there still issues with them going bad?
  3. @bchats Where you able to get this resolved? I am getting my new locks in today and hoping to have no issues with connecting. I currently have an older version of Yale locks with no issues.
  4. This can be deleted. Issue I found was the Insteon Support Check Box no checked after migration. I have tried over and over again to migrate from my 700 Zwave usb to the new ZMatter board on my Polisy. Every time I attempt the migration it contiuously goes into the do not make changes, turn devices on or off, progress and after it hits 100% it starts over. I have attempted a reboot in the configuration tab, I have attempted the restart in the configuration tab, I have attempted unplug and re-plug the Polisy with the same outcome. Then I restored back to a working version and attempted to delete all of my ZWave devices and once that was done and working, I attempted to do the migration but the button to just start using the ZMatter board and not migrate ZWave devices. That had the same outcome. Anyone have this happen and know how to get around it? I am fine with deleting my ZWave devices and rebuilding that stuff, however I can't get to a working setup where the progress bar goes away after moving to the ZMatter board.
  5. @dbwarner5 I read your posts and every other post I can find. The system kept updating, hits 100% and starts over. I attempted to do a reboot, same outcome. I then attempted a reboot, same outcome. I then attempted to delete all of the ZWave devices and skip the migration part and still same outcome. Next I restored, 5th or 6th time, had to re-add all my zwave devices with the USB dongle plugged back in and I am back to normal. I have to 5.5.2 firmware and did unplug the USB dongle as the migration says to do. Any thoughts on what next?
  6. @dbwarner5 I have gone the the process and back several times. Once it get to the progress bar of the migration, it gets to 100% and starts over again continues to do that over and over. Is that normal? How long should it take for the migration. I only have 2 locks, 2 switches, and 1 repeater on my build.
  7. As my devices start to fail I am looking for the best choice and best items for a conversion to either WiFi, z wave, or zigbee. I have no issue with wifi strength as I have a commercial grade system with several ap's throughout my house and detached garage. What is the better direction to go and which products should I look at. I have multiple Insteon switches that have 6 or 8 functions that I want to maintain that kind of control and I have several outlets that are also Insteon. I have had coverage issues in the past for Z wave through the house for a couple smart plugs and door locks that I have. Also Z wave definitely will not make it out to the garage either. I have WiFi in the garage as part of my mess network but do not want to run any cat 5 or 6 out to the garage as that would be quite the project. I currently have a Polisy so anything that would integrate with that would work as well. Thank you!
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