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Everything posted by ters

  1. That statement can be typed directly into the 'Subject' or 'Body' section, or the selection of 'Alert' and 'Node Address' will provide ${sys.node.#.addr} which you can then modify to replace .addr with .ST. The following link provides more details on other variables / properties you might find valuable: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-994i_Series:EMail_and_Networking_Substitution_Variables
  2. To resolve the difference in the releases, I changed my generic event email and text notifications to the following: Home Alert ${sys.program.#.status} from ${sys.program.#.name} ${alert.date} ${alert.time12}. Event ${alert.event}, Status ${sys.node.#.ST}. resulting email / text example: Home Alert True from act_Water_ValveAndHeater_StatusChg 2020/01/10 10:08:35 AM. Event ST 0 received, Status Off.
  3. My email/text messages that use the ${alert.event} variable in them for Switched modules (non-dimming) changed from showing OFF / ON in the event messages to showing ST 0 / 255 after updating from v4.7.3 to v5.0.16B. Is this the way a Switched On / Switched Off event now reports? If so, is there a way to convert 0 / 255 to OFF / ON, or to alternately code the ${alert.event} variable to instead report OFF / ON in the messages?
  4. The run actions are now working properly using v5.0.16B. Thanks.
  5. Also related to the Water Leak Sensor ping issue in v5.0.16A, my perpetually running programs for these devices are not restarting after the Wait expires because of the v5.0.16A ping issue. The programs Wait 25 hours, Send 2 notifications, then Run the same program (if), however the programs are not being restarted by the Run statement as it did in v4.7.3 (I’m only sending daily messages on ping failures). I wouldn’t think the ping issue would be affecting the Run action.
  6. After updating from v4.7.3 to v5.0.16A, my email/text messages that use the ${alert.event} variable changed from showing OFF / ON in the messages to showing 0 / 255. This is for 2634-222 On/Off Outdoor Module device. Is this the way Switched On / Switched Off now reports? If it is, is there a way to convert 0 / 255 to OFF / ON in the messages? I believe On/Off modules (which this device is) previously reported ON and OFF using this variable, not 0 and 255 (maybe DIM capable modules report 0-255?), so maybe the differentiation between some ON/OFF and DIMMABLE devices is not occurring properly?
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