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Everything posted by deg01004

  1. Yeah, I guess i could change my on level to 0 and work around it like that. Thanks for the easy fix. Shad
  2. So, I made a slider to control my insteon lights through ISY-99i's rest interface. I have the scale going from 0-255 and it works perfectly from 1-255. My code is[value] or using my http request: Get /rest/nodes/99999/cmd/DON/[value] HTTP/1.1\x0D\x0AHost:\x0AAuthorization:Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=\x0D\x0A\x0D\x0A When the [value] is 0 the lights go to full on. It's easy to work around by setting my scale from 1-255 and having a off button but it would be nice if using 0 made the lights go to off. You can see my slider here http://deg01004.blogspot.com/ Is there anything i can do to fix this? Thanks Shad
  3. Thanks. I got it working with that last bit of help. I found out i also needed that carriage return that Command fusion uses. My final HTTP request was: Get /rest/nodes/12%204B%205A%201/cmd/DOF HTTP/1.1\x0D\x0AHost:\x0AAuthorization:Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=\x0D\x0A\x0D\x0A Thanks for the help Shad
  4. deg01004

    Help with rest

    I am having some trouble using rest. I just received my ISY-99i yesterday and i updated the firmware to v.2.7.6. I'm Trying to use rest via a http command request. Get /rest/nodes/12.4B.5A/cmd/DFON HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: Authorization:Basic ZGVnMDEwMDQ6U2hhZGRlZzA=\r\n\r\n With the program i am using the request has to all be on one line. I believe i have narrowed the problem down to of course myself and the command not being being accepted by the ISY. Do i need to do something besides update the firmware to use the rest interface? Is my request even functional? I have attempted to use the rest interface from my IE web browser directly using with no response so i know that i am doing something essential wrong. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  5. I'm trying to get command fusion to be friendly with the ISY-99i. Command fusion doesn't officially support HTTP protocols but i was told that i may be able to create the request byte structure and send it as as a command. Any one have any experience doing this. the command would be http://192.xxx.x.x/rest/nodes/99999/cmd/DON Is this http structure correct and will it work with the ISY-99i? GET /rest/nodes/99999/cmd/DON /1.0\nHOST: http://192.xxx.x.x\xoa\xoa I'm new at this so i may have lots of questions. Thanks deg01004
  6. Thanks for the info. The ISY-99i looks like what i would want due to the rest feature and many other reasons. If i were to type from a standard web broswer connected to my network would it turn on the light? Does this bypass the security login and password or do i have to connect a device to the ISY in some way? Thanks for the great info. deg01004
  7. Hi, I'm looking at controlling a Insteon lighting system via iphone through the Command fusion application. I am wondering if i can send commands to the ISY-99i through wifi and have them be completed by the program details portion of the administrative console. For Example if my IP for the ISY-99i on my wifi is and the device is a light switch 01.A1.9B Could i send a command such as lighton to the ISY-99i in this format; Could this be interpreted by the ISY-99i similar to a X10 command but with a program like this: If wifi 'Lighton' received then Set scene '01.a1.9b' on Else no action Is something like this possible. I know that there is a application for the iphone to control lights but i would like one program (command fusion) to take care of all my home automation needs. I am a newbie so maybe this isn't even possible and i will need to do it with the IR version of the ISY-99i amd global cache. Thanks deg01004
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