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Everything posted by driedlinger

  1. The repeat one time makes sense, I will give it a try.
  2. I tried having one program call another program, what seems to happen is it calls the pgm and then executes the next statement, it does not wait for the other pgm to complete and come back.
  3. I must preface this post by I am new to the ISY-99 and it's programing...and so far I am very pleased with capabilities and still learning what it can do. I have read through some of the how to's and can't find what I am looking for. I have read through the "state machine post by Ergodic back in 2009" and still trying to make sense of all of that, there is a lot to wade through. The problem I am having is sending a Notification after Repeat operation. I do not want to send the notification after each repeat iteration but once the repeat is complete. Basically I want to run send and email at the start of the process, turn on a pump 15 min. then off for 1 hour and do this for 24 hours, at the end of the 24 repeats, send an email....Below is the code. Any help or advice would be great. If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Send Notification to 'Default' content 'RainCycle Start 24hr' Repeat 24 times Set 'appLincPool' On Wait 15 minutes Set 'appLincPool' Off Wait 1 hour Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  4. Thank you for your input. The below link is where I got the 300 program count. http://www.homeorchestrator.com/UDStore ... ctPurchase
  5. After reviewing some of the programing info I noticed there were multiple files in folders. http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... ram_Detail Question: Is each file in a folder a program that counts towards the total count of 300 for the isy99? Question:Are the 300 programs usually satisfactory for "power users" with somewhat complicated programs? Thank you, Darin Darin
  6. I am wanting to switch from X10 (old laptop running Heyu) to Insteon and I am researching the isy99i device. What I would like to know is can a program be written on the isy99i device to mimic a unix shell script (using Heyu) that I currently have. What I would like to do is move off the laptop and onto the isy99i, using the current X10 appliance module but eventually use an Insteon appliance module (so I can query the on state) once I get past procurement approval with management at home. The script is user initiated via ssh and basically does the following. 1.) Sends an email at the start of script (via gmail userID - Passowrd & TLS). 2.) Enters a while loop [ counter <= someNumber ] 3.) It turns on the pump (X10 appliance module). 4.) sleeps for 15 minutes 5.) It turns off the pump (X10 appliance module) . 4.) increments counter +1. 5.) sleeps for 60 minutes. 6.) Returns to the top of while loop and iterates the above process until while loop is exhausted. 7.) Sends email at exit of while loop (via gmail userID - Passowrd & TLS). One of the issues I have with the X10 setup is sometimes the pump does not actually turn off (I know what a shocker X10 would fail). In another script I would like to be able to query the Insteon module to find the state of the module...just to make sure it is off when it should be off (when the above program is not running). If the module is found on turn it off and send an email. I think most Insteon modules offer a query state feature?? Any help / insight here would be great. I do see there is a limitation of the number of programs on the unit, is there program size - number limitation or just a number limitation? Thank you, Darin
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