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  1. Yeah, I think I am arriving at very much this same place. I love my insteon stuff, but as I want to keep adding/evolving, clearly its not advancing along, or at least it can't be trusted to. I guess I am not enamored with Insteon as much as the duel-mesh attributes in general. The instantaneous response times are hard to let go of. I would marry any company that got that done, and am starting to just accept the loss as my system expands. I think that's where my focus on parameters and associations gets its momentum. I want to be able to tweak things till I don't feel the loss. If RA3 is fully supported by UD, I imagine I will need to seriously dive into that rabbit hole. Haven't played with them at all yet.
  2. Have you seen this? Looks like the nokia thing is toast. Dammit. https://nokiamob.net/2022/04/27/nokias-statement-of-the-smartlabs-financial-troubles/
  3. Oh dear lord don't abandon anything. The extra structure and limitation with ISY has proved to be its strength in my case, as everything out there is such a thicket of proprietary nonsense mixed with a crowded room full of programming languages that are all over my head. Your system gets it down to logic, which is what a real "smart" system should be based on. The bells and whistles are great and all, but not for long term, standard household use. People can make cute programs they use once a year and forget exist all they want... that's not for me... ISY has also been my first experience with anything that even resembled programing, and because of it I have learned so much, and expanded down rabbit holes that have really improved my life. I am no expert at anything, but I have muddled straight through areas I wouldn't have braved contact with in the past. That's thanks to ISY. At the same time, the limitation are, well, limiting. I want your logic to work on everything in the house. I want to be able to keep my hardware updated and and configured too... with as few "unpair->re-pair->update&configure in 20 different buckets->unpair->re-pair->fix all the broken links and programs" as I possibly can. That's all I mean. I want to use z-wave on an ISY... or whatever on an ISY. The ISY is the thing I want to be at the base of the system. But with ISY there's stuff I can't do (or do easily) that inherent with Z-wave. Anyway, you get the point and I am hopeful, confident in fact, at your ability to make it all it can be. Thanks for taking the time.
  4. Given my agreement that we should hope for Insteon's triumphant return, but need to move on... AND given this new colossus' capability to become a true central hub off all things great in the smart home space... (clears throat) Will there be more robust Z-wave adjustment options? Will parameters be more clear and manageable like some of the other hubs in the space? Will associations be writable like some other hubs in the space. Will firmware updates be possible though the software. I know that over the years there has been a "that's not really what the ISY is for" vibe around questions like this, but is seems if you are going to make a primarily Z-wave controller, and point us toward that and away from Insteon, it feels like something that should be truly integrated. I can only imagine that matter will have a whole new host of "under the hood" stuff that's adjustable, and I get that people have argued that ISY is an "external handler" and so things like associations aren't "the focus." But this sort of thing is an argument that made sense 10 years ago. I guess I am just asking if you will be my savior. When I want to add a device to my eisy Matterzz, will I be able to, someday confirm and update the latest firmware, adjust its settings to make sense for the install, and then add it to programs and scenes? In 2022, 0r 2026 even, will i still need to open a windows computer just for firmware updates, do complicated gymnastics to just get up to date basics, then load it into a competing Hub and adjust its parameters (sure I can do this in ISY taking exponentially more time and with more more redundancy) and then add it to the isy and attach the windows computer to that somehow and adjust the associations (saw this in another post about associations recently)? Dear jesus I love ISY. it just makes sense to me on a level that most of the others don't. Its clean, it doesn't require a ton uf coding background, its logic is godly... but I feel like I am in my favorite room looking out the window at magic happening, and I am being told that most of what I can't do is actually standard. Sorry if this is venting, I am trying to get off the Insteon smack and move to the Z-wave/Zigbee/Smartthings/integrations/node servers methadone and the speed bumps are making me twitchy. Love you... take my money on whatever the next thing is.
  5. Thanks, I am pretty much at that point. Maybe its just a fluke and I got a bum. Appreciate the response.
  6. So, this is happening to me too. I read through to the end of this thread and never found any solution. Just wondering if anyone has figured out what this might be. I love this stuff.
  7. My GOD @MrBill.... I KNEW IT. I knew there would be something simple and not widely documented that you would just know off the top of your head. YOU NAILED IT. It corrected itself in HA in real time. I didn't catch it till after I had added both a program and a variable of each type, so I can not confirm at what point it got what it needed, but it required no removal/reinstall of the integration.... just fired right up. You saved me from wandering around in the dark and pits of HA and UD forums for a wild goose. You re my hero.
  8. MrBill, MrBill!! Sorry couldn't help it. Thank you so much. I loaded two insteon devices, linked them together in a scene, and added a Zwave device... I figured it was a bad idea to try and figure it out empty. I got everything working as far as that's concerned.... I have NOT "moved" the node server part of polisy to the IoP, its still running as a node server on the ISY994. The HA found the Polisy right away, but I tried every combination of IP and TLS in the configuration and it does the same error every time regardless.... The ISY994 loaded everything into HA no issue with all the same settings. I opened both admin panels and compared settings, and the portal and checked there... just don't know what's throwing the issue. Thanks again, anything else I should include that would help I am ready to provide... sorry I'm awkward and make typos... imma spectrum-ish dyslexic type.
  9. @MrBill, I have to admit I am hoping you are the knight to my rescue on this... 80)
  10. Woooooowwwww.... Love! Any rough guesses when such a monster might be available?
  11. Hi there, I decided to try my hand at home assistant integration of my ISY994 AND my ISY on Polisy. I had a Polisy for a long time, and now setting up to make the transition, and decided to try HA at the same time.... the issue is that HA will connect with the ISY994 with no problem, but is returning "Retrying setup: Invalid XML response from ISY; Ensure the ISY is running the latest firmware: ISY Could not parse response, poorly formatted XML." on the Polisy instance. I have, with no small amount of help form people on this board, managed some over-my-own-head fixes in the past and am hoping theres something someone already knows about this that might help me. Thanks... P.S If its something complicated but doable, I would be happy to pay for the time/expertise it may take.
  12. I just want to say what has, I'm sure, already been said so many times... MrBill is just the bestest on every level possible. I rarely even know what's going on, but the amount he puts into trying to help people out is just staggering. A dying breed.
  13. Found this: Haven't tried it. Maybe it will help.
  14. I recommend reading my entire post, as well. I stated that I used them, but they didn't download a file. It's ok. MWester helped.
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