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  1. @dbwarner5 i did a backup of the isy before i started, that's why i was able to restore it back when i had all of these problems, i'm not upgrading the zwave module, it is already 4.55, which is good because i don't own a second zwave control device to transfer primary to... but anyhow, not needed for this. i followed the step by step at the beginning of this thread, the list i posted is what happened when I did so. i did the firmware upgrade, did the zwave synchronize, which brought back the devices by number but with no names.. and scenes were empty tried one time to continue the process and let the programs update, but many were broken tried one time to actually restore my old back up on top of this, just to see what would happen, yeah that wasn't wise, so i reset and rolled back again and tried one more time to manually rename all of the zwave devices back to their correct names before clicking on programs, that took a long time and didn't make anything work better between each attempt above, i rolled back firmware, restored my backup, and manually had to re-add email config which for some reason doesn't come back from the backup. then i tried again...
  2. you may have missed my previous answer to the other guy, i wasn't using the wrong UI. "the 5.0.16b rc1 from the link http://isy.universal-devices.com/updates/Insteon_UD994_OADR/5.0.16B/udi_oadr_5.0.16B.zipand the gui from the link https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp " so i guess this is just going to be painfully tedious to do manually...
  3. bump... anyone have any thoughts on my problem?
  4. this one... the 5.0.16b rc1 from the link http://isy.universal-devices.com/updates/Insteon_UD994_OADR/5.0.16B/udi_oadr_5.0.16B.zip and the gui from the link https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp
  5. oh i just realized you mean the admin console, yeah i used the new admin console, that's not the problem. any other ideas? thanks
  6. oooooooo.... is that a separate download? did i miss something in the upgrade instructions?
  7. I recently received my polisy pro and so i need to upgrade my isy so i can start using it... Need some help / guidance.. I tried this upgrade from the 4.7.3 release, zwave 4.55.. but i had the following problems and rolled back. can anyone give me some advice to mitigate them, or do i just have to manually record all of this before i start and then fix all of these things: 1. zwave devices were brought back after the synchronize, but without names, just by ID numbers... i have a LOT of devices, so manually naming them all again would be painful 2. all of my scenes were empty, it appears i would need to manually re-add devices to them again, i'm not sure what else this might break since they are referenced by other devices and cloud services 3. i have the elk connectivity in place, all of my elk devices were gone and thus programs which related to them were broken when i tried reimporting them 4. my notification emails configuration was gone, so was my email service config thankfully, the device has a very clean recovery process, i downgraded the firmware back to 4.7.3 and reapplied my backup and the only thing that didn't recover was my email server information, so i was back in service again fairly quickly. before i experiment again, i figured i would reach out to all of you for hopefully a cleaner path to upgrade. i'm excited to start messing with my polisy pro.... THANKS!
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