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Everything posted by dexmot74

  1. My Portal has stopped working. Says registered but offline. In the error log I see tons of these. System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -6/-140002, Portal-Dispatch Any ideas?
  2. No one has done this? Thanks
  3. I have the Z-Wave 300 board BUT I do not have any Z-Wave devices. Ok to upgrade to 5.3? Then upgrade to 500 board later if I need Z-Wave?
  4. That's was not from manual. Was left in that state from above open/close program.
  5. @simplextech yup I have the z-wave module. I'll give those a try! Thanks.
  6. @simplextech have you found any alternatives?
  7. Nope, manually they work perfectly every time. Only difference between manual and auto is the open/close sensor for the door.
  8. Definitely something wonky going on. Now the scene is on, lights on and ISY says its all Off... Ran Query and it updated to On.
  9. I tried restore before and it didn't work which makes me not confident my fix will continue to work. Possible to be bad switch? How do I test for communication issues? I have around 50-75 insteon devices with many scenes and programs. This is the only one that's wonky.
  10. I removed both controllers from the scene and re-added them. It now seems to be working. Really bizarre because it's exactly how they were setup already.
  11. Yes its a scene and if I run the program manually it works every time just like if I click either switch. Everything seems to work perfectly manually but when I open the door only the one switch goes on even though I am calling the Scene.
  12. dexmot74

    Light and Door

    I have the above program which doesn't seem to work. The Breezway Light is a scene with 2 Insteon Switches in a 3-way config. When either door (both insteon sensors) is opened only ONE of the switches turns on. The one with the load unfortunately, so no light. Any ideas why? If I manually activate either switch they turn each other on flawlessly. No issues. Its only when the open door triggers.
  13. dexmot74

    Remote Dimmer

    Cool. Already have an ISY and have done lots of programming but haven't messed around with dimming and scenes yet.
  14. dexmot74

    Remote Dimmer

    Just want to get a quick answer before I buy switches. I am hooking up two regular insteon dimmer switches for some outside lights. I want to control both those in a scene remotely and am looking at the 4 scene mini remote. Will this do what I need it to do? Can I program each button as a different level? Or wold I just use one button and will the arrows dim the scene?
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