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Glad you got it up and running. Thanks again for staying with it. Let me know what your experience is like with using the devices.
You are correct - the node server is not getting installed properly on your Polisy. I am not aware of any special requirements other than Python 3 as with other node servers. The requirements.txt file lists all of the required modules in Python as follows: udi_interface >= 3.0.8 json requests re io http threading copy It could be that you have to do some manual Python setup but I didn't do that on my EISY box. I wish I had a Polisy so I could confirm that it works on that platform, but I don't. Let me do some poking around to see if I did anything special. There are a few others users of the Node server but I think they are all using EISY so the problem you are having might be specific to Polisy. I'll be in touch. Thanks again for your patience.
This is a good sign. These settings look correct on the Hubitat HousePanel side of things. 😀 This also looks correct for the settings on the Polisy NodeServer side of the house. 😀 On the Details tab, after you pick Log, change the right side from "Info" to "Debug", then click on "Restart" and you should see a bunch of log messages go by. Let me know what they say. One more Important thing... I updated the Nodeserver to the development version 1.0.15 that I have been using, since it has been rock solid. That most likely will solve your problem. Please reinstall the Nodeserver into your existing slot and try again.
One more thing, on the Hubitat side in the HousePanel setup, on the same screen where you specify Host IP and Port values, this is where you turn on Logs. You were not seeing logs because they were probably disabled. I should fix that and make Info the default. For now, select the drop-down box and pick Info or Debug as the IDE Live Logging level and you'll start to get statements in the logs. I'd start with Debug and then back off to Info later.
Okay - first of all, I admire your tenacity. Thanks for staying with it. Sorry about my slow responses, but I've been traveling a lot for work. Anyway, I think the problem is you need to specify the IP address of your Polisy box in your HousePanel install for the link to happen. You get to this using the "App Settings" button near the bottom. This will then show 3 IP/Port settings which allow you to support up to three separate instances of the NodeServer. One of these has to match your Nodeserver install. For example, the Host IP for you should be: If you don't set it, you will get the default which is my IP like your debug shows above. This value is the same as DirectIP. This can be just the IP numbers or you can use - both work. And the Port or Range can be: 9100-9105 I use the range so that I can install multiple Nodeservers for testing, but you can probably do fine with just 9100. Just be sure to enter whatever value you specify in the restPort configuration settings on your Nodeserver install page. You can ignore the 2nd and 3rd Host IP and Port settings. Back on the Polisy Nodeserver side, be sure to put the accessToken and hubEndPt values in that you showed above. And for the Port, enter 9100. You can use any port number here that is available as long as it matches the value you give in the HousePanel setup on the Hubitat side. Ping me again if this doesn't get you going.
One last comment - I saw your note about this topic / node server being dormant for 4 years. That can't be correct. I was actively developing and socializing this one year ago and then got busy with a new job. Not sure where you got the 4 years from. I'll work on monitoring the forum more often, but I know it was not 4 years. Maybe 9 months, which is still bad, but better than 4 years. Let me know if you get it working, and if not, how I can help.
Okay, so I got into my Polyglot account after a reboot, so now I can give you a little bit more help. After you install HousePanel.groovy and make note of the AccessToken and Hub Endpoint values in the Hubitat logs, you are ready to configure the node server in the Polyglot interact. Launch Polyglot on port :3000 as usual and double click into the Hubitat node server settings. From there select the "Configuration" button shown in the two rows of buttons beneath the title. You will see something that looks like this: This is where you enter the values you captured in the Log file display when you installed HousePanel.groovy. The restPort value is used to send updates from Hubitat to the NodeServer. The value here must equal or be in the range of values given in the HousePanel.groovy install setup. After you do this, you will see the devices show up in the node server. It takes about 5 minutes so be patient. You can also click on the "Log" button to see the devices load in real time. Once they are all loaded, you will see a little blue box pop up saying they were all loaded. At this point, the devices in Hubitat will show up as nodes in the EISY or Polisy Pro devices and you can see them in the UDX Mobile app. This gives you the ability to integrate Hubitat into ISY programs and other logic. If you want to also use the HousePanel GUI, you have more setup work to do. I'll reserve this for a future post.
As an aside, I can't seem to log into my Poliglot account... so annoying. Also, for more info about installing the node server, check out https://housepanel.net
Hi @whywork First, thanks for giving this a try. I use it every day so I am confident I can help you get this working. My apologies for a delayed response - I'm not that active on the Forum but the nodeserver is still supported. For starters, you can ignore everything having to do with the HousePanel app itself unless you also want to use the GUI to control your devices. For the nodeserver that connects Hubitat to the ISY ecosystem, all you need is the HousePanel.groovy file installed and some settings properly set up in the nodeserver config screen. Let's start with the HousePanel.groovy file. To install this use the HPM package manager or the usual manual steps. If you do it manually, be sure to activate OAUTH. Once you have it installed, proceed to install an instance of the app in the "Apps" section of Hubitat as usual using the "+Add user app" button. Here is where you select the devices you want to expose to the ISY ecosystem via the nodeserver. Pick just the one's you plan to use. The only tricky thing is to in parallel open a Log window before you hit Done. This will display the Access Token and EndPoint values as shown in the attached. You'll use these values when setting up the nodeserver on the Polyglot install page under config. Once you get this going, your Hubitat devices will show up in your ISY and Polisy account. I have an EISY box so I can't tell you what this looks like on a Polisy Pro. I'll stop there and wait for your response. I will help you get this going. Sorry about the troubles. The only reason there isn't much activity is once someone has Hubitat they are unlikely to switch to ISY. I realized this when I saw a lack of interest in the node server. With that said, I use and it does work.
My polyglot just stopped for no known reason. I rebooted the eisy box and it didn't come back. Where do I start with troubleshooting this to get it going again? Adding some additional info. I did a hard reboot using 6 button press, and unplug too. Still no pg3x. I ssh'd into the box and did a ps aux to see what was running. I saw only one line with polyglot that looked like an error: polyglot 3269 0.0 0.0 13176 2712 - Ss 09:08 0:00.10 /usr/local/bin/mDNSResponderPosix -f /usr/local/etc/udx.d/static/mdns.services -b -P /var The ISY admin console runs fine, and so does my HousePanel node app I have running on the same eisy box on a different port. The PG3x port 3000 just doesn't load. I'm really stuck here.
let me know if you want help trying to set up HousePanel. It takes some effort if you are not familiar with setting up a Node.js server, but it is worth it. I'm working on integrating it into my Hubitat node server which will make installation a snap once done. Stay tuned.
well i am stumped - just hard to troubleshoot when I dont see the same.
It might be related to how you installed sqlite3. I think it has to be done globally using sudo, but let me do some more poking around online to see if others have seen this error. EDIT: others seem to have had the same and fixed it by installing libnode72 package as described here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69378783/node-error-while-loading-shared-libraries-libnode-so-72 i think the command: "sudo apt install libnode72" will resolve it. Another fix described at: https://itsfoss.com/solve-open-shared-object-file-quick-tip/ is to use the command: "sudo /sbin/ldconfig -v" the referenced webpage explains why this works. It also suggests you may need to do the first install line and then the second cache update line; that is, do both in order.
okay we are getting it narrowed down. looks like it dies trying to load the sqlite3 library. can you run sqlite3 succesfully from the sh command line? when you do it should look as follows:
first - sorry for the mySQL confusion. I switched to SQLite3 as the default and forgot to update the docs. Will do that soon. The mySQL code is still there and it should work but i havent tested it in awhile so safer to use SQLite3. I havent seen the error you are showing before so I am struggling with finding a way to help you. Lets try some debugging. First, can you run node -v and get a version number? if so, next try making any .js file that does something simple like #!/usr/bin/env node "use strict"; process.title = 'nodetest'; console.log("This is a test"); and see if it prints out the test line. Next, check if the code created a housepanel.db file. This is the first thing that the server does when you run it for the first time, so if that isn't there then something more fundamental is wrong. Next, launch the server and pipe output to a log file as follows, node hpserver.js >& hperver.log & and then tell me what is in the hpserver.log file. hope this reveals something that will help