This is the URL that points to the HousePanel.groovy app on your Hubitat box. It will be in a format similar to below Key = hubEndpt Value = Hubitat endpt in format http://192.168.x.y/apps/api/n
where "n" is an integer number, and x and y are the IP address specifics of your hub. You can find this information after you install the HousePanel.groovy file as a user app on your Hubitat box. Open up a log window and then do the installation. The app information will show in the log. Of you can find it later by just looking at the id number of the app once it is installed. You will also need to give a callback port in the install that is set in the config.
HI Folks
I've been using the Hubitat node server for more than 2 months now with no issues. The stability and performance have been very good. This weekend I added support for Music tiles and Aqara presence sensors but everything else is unchanged. I updated the Beta store to include this as V1.0.9 and I added a new Production Store version 1.0.9 that you can try free for one month and $20 after that. I hope people find this useful and feedback is always welcome.
Actually I ended up posting it to the Production store.