Hello az1324,
I tried your doorbell application and it works well. I was able to send a UDP command from the ISY to my PC and open an application. This is a great start, but I have many commands I would like to send. So I tried using EventGhost. I'm able to set up EventGhost macros to open Windows Media Center and start playlists. However, I've not been able to set up a UDP command as a trigger. I've tried loading the Broadcaster plugin and the Network Event Receiver plugin and still EventGhost does not log a UDP or TCP message. If you have any suggestions on how to set this up it would be greatly appreciated as it will open up a lot of opportunities!
Below is what I've tried without success:
- Setup URL with UDP protocol on port 8081 to the PC static IP address
- Set the timeout at 500ms
- Selected mode as URL Encoded
- In the body I wrote "ClassicRock" as this command will be to select a ClassicRock playlist in Windows Media Center
- Configured Broadcaster Plugin to use port 8081 and left the zone as I'm not sure exactly what to put in the broadcaster zone. I've tried the IP address of my router, the IP address of the ISY and they don't work.
- I also tried the Network Event Receiver and set up the ISY to use TCP. I don't think this will work because EventGhost is expecting to communicate with another computer with EventGhost and the Network Event Sender plugin.