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  1. Never mind! It was one of the switches that was causing a problem. I factory reset it and restored it from the ISY and everything is dandy now!
  2. I have three 2477S switches and one Door Sensor all controlling the same lights. The door sensor and the primary switch work fine; but the other two switches sometimes work and other times they don't. The LED lights on the switches "flicker" and finally stop flickering, then the switch works correctly. How should I have these set up in the scene that controls them? I can't quite figure it out. Thanks!!!
  3. cksedg

    Backup Error

    Rebooting did not fix the error. Still the exact same thing. Any ideas, anyone?
  4. cksedg

    Backup Error

    I'm trying to backup my ISY994, and I keep getting this error: [Could Not Retrieve File /CONF/NET/32.RES] Can anyone help me?? Thanks!
  5. Thanks so much for your help! I didn't realize a program could be disabled and still be called for and run from another program. Disabling Program A did the trick! Thanks again.
  6. Yes, I have done this, but then program A runs WITHOUT program B, also, because program A is set to run at a specific time. I only want program A to run WITH or immediately AFTER program B. Thanks for your input.
  7. I have a program (let's call it Program A) which I want to run ONLY if Program B is called to run first. Program A should run immediately when Program B is called to run. Program B will only be called to run manually (no IF statements). Can anyone help me? What do I put in Program A to verify Program B has/is run before Program A starts. Hope that all made sense! Thanks.
  8. Definitely interested in anything that will work!
  9. Sounds like there IS NOT a straightforward way to integrate NEST thermostats. Still interested, if anyone has a "not straightforward" way to do so--that I can understand! Thanks, everyone!
  10. I am trying to integrate my Nest (now Trane) thermostats into my ISY9941. I have read numerous postings about it, almost all of which say to use Polygot, but I just can't get it into my head. Does anyone have a concise list of instructions on exactly what to do? I would really like to use the ISY to control the thermostats while it is controlling other devices in my home. I thank you in advance!
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