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Everything posted by btwinc

  1. Version 8 Update 321. The "Cannot determine a valid Java Home" prompt makes me think there is a parameter in the ISY launcher shortcut properties I can change: C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath\javaws.exe -localfile -J-Djnlp.application.href=https://isy.universal-devices.com/launcher/isy.jnlp "C:\Users\Eric\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\6.0\14\7f87040e-729630cb" This is way over my head.
  2. I just found this post because I am troubleshooting the same problem. I currently launch the ISY by opening the Java Configuration window and start the ISY Launcher from the Java Cache Viewer and select Applications. And yes, I have cleared the cache, all three selections. My Java directory resides in the Program Files directory, not Program Files (X86). Does that make a difference?
  3. It seems that when I cleared the Java Cache, I did something else to corrupt Java. I had entered the java runtime change as instructed. I removed the java runtime value and re-installed Java. All good as UD994 v.4.8.0 and UI 4.6.2. I'm going to start over on 5.3.0 and try to leave Java alone this time. Thanks for the help.
  4. That's the link I've been searching for. Thanks. And yes I backed up the system.
  5. Yes, I must have done a dozen ISY updates over the years. I'm surprised that 5.3.0 didn't pop up as an automatic update. Be that as it may, I still need a plan to reconnect with my ISY so I can start over.
  6. I saw the post for the Android App and had to have it. My ISY was running 4.something and the App required higher. I manually downloaded 5.3.0. I was having difficulty getting the admin console upgraded. Start.jnlp only downloaded start.jnlp over again. I'd figure that out later, I told myself. The Android app is wonderful. Later that day, I discovered none of my programs would run. Looking at device communications in the event viewer, when I would call for a "run then" command, all that happened was a time update. This is where I got stupid. I downloaded 4.8.0 thinking I could go back. Now I try to run the admin console, I get a white box that says error and no other information. If I try to connect via i get an unable to connect. I am looking for a procedure to re-establish communications with my ISY. My house is dark and my wife is pissed. Thank you
  7. Well, it took many 27 hour intervals to figure this all out. Just now getting up to speed on Hidden Door sensors. Duh, they can't hear the ISY until they're in linking mode. Thanks Techman, the heartbeat program is not something I could have come up with on my own. It works brilliantly. My thinking is more IN the box. Does the low battery status work? Should I build a routine to look for that as well? Now that I have this working on 2 doors, Smarthome has sold out on these sensors.
  8. I'm new to the hidden door sensors. Just bought my first 2. Just like Derik above, I am having the exact same communication issues. I'm unable to change heartbeat value, not receiving heartbeats and getting a communication error when I try to update the sensor. The device is 5 feet away from my PLM. My ISY994i is getting open/close (On/Off) status from the door sensor just fine. I did link it as as a hidden door sensor. I uninstalled it, performed the factory reset and re linked it. Same issue. I suppose I should open the second box and try that one, but it feels like I am missing something in configuration. Any thoughts?
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